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  • Category: Google Search Engine

    Google is now Introducing their Google game center!

    Here is some good news for all users who have Android smartphones. Google is going to launch their own game center in coming May. Are you happy? Apple has their own game center, but now Google is introducing their game center for Android OS. Google will launch their new game center in May' 2013.
    Please post your views.
  • #15490
    The news about the development of Google Game Center have been leaked by Google Glass companion app, MyGlass. There are many more applications on which Google is presently working. Even there are news that Google is going to change the outlook of the Google page, once it introduced Google Now. So, it a happy news for the game lovers who will now have a real time multiplayer gaming experience using the Google Game Center. These are the initial indicators that Google is looking at something big to do, especially it is going to launch multiplayer gaming apps in a big way. Google has not yet commented anything on the leaked news. But we are definitely going to enjoy something more interesting from Google in the coming days.
    "Teaching is my passion & sharing of knowledge is my motto"

    Sukhdev Singh
    Lead Editor & Platinum Member at ISC

  • #15518
    Thanks zanib and sukhdev sir for the information. It is good to hear that Google is now Introducing their Google game center. Really, it is very good information for the android smartphone users. I think that google has not commented on this news. I hope that google will soon announce in this issue. Google is very popular in this modern era and now going to launch this game center for game loves and we can say that google will become more popular to smartphone games lovers. I am very happy that you given such information. Keep it up.

    Amit singh

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