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  • Category: Other Tools

    Google Keep - Save what’s on your mind, Try it now.

    Google Keep - Save what's on your mind. Google Keep is the awesome apps for Android Devices(running Android 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich and above). You might have experienced this app on your devices. It is really cool tool as it gives you chance to save, whatever comes in your mind instantly.

    I'm sharing this info with all techies here and I hope you'll like it as I did. Google Keep is now available on Google Drive web as well and you can just access it easily. There you can save all your stuff(ideas, photos, notes, things to do etc.) whatever you hear or think of things you need to remember. Have a look and share your experience below, Just check it out at Google Keep.
  • #17074
    Google Keep is a very basic app for note making purposes. I would rather use free version of Evernote which also has advanced features like Notebooks support for categorizing Notes and its User Interface is very Interactive and User friendly. Google keep is for very basic Note keeping.

  • #17209
    It is a basic apps for note making purpose.

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