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  • Category: Topic Recommendations

    Shall I use html tags for tables in the article description?

    I want post articles about the new smartphones with its features and specifications with its price and availability in the market. Shall I write the article with the use of tables with the help of html tags in the description? What are the things that are to be followed to write article in this site? How I can increase the adsense earning through the articles with the best use of keywords in this site?
  • #14205
    TABLE tag is not allowed. When you are composing an article, look at the help tips next to the Article Body field. It has given all instructions related to usage of HTML tags.

  • #14231
    Hi Pradeepraj,
    Here you could not use Table tag in your article. That is not allowed in the Techulator. If you start your article in the resource section, at the right hand side it will be clearly mentioned what are all the tags you could use in your article. Follow those articles guidelines. In Techulator, article should look simple and neat with good quality of contents with proper grammatical words. Follow this and start your thread. Be successful.

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