Anything you want to write on, you have to make a search for yourself. Others can just give you guidelines. I can give you some of the electronic products which are quite novel in the electronic market. You have to make a Google search and find out some websites where the details about them can be found.
You can write on a video baby monitor that is an alarm integrated radio system by which the sounds made by an infant can be remotely listened to.
You can also try some laser pointers or laser pens. These laser pens or pointers are hand held devices. These come in several colours like blue laser pointer or green laser pointer etc. Make a search for them if you can get some reviews and change them into your own words to make them look original.
You can also explore the availability of Bluetooth headsets or Ebook readers. The members can only make suggestions. It is you who have to make a final research on the topics.
"Teaching is my passion & sharing of knowledge is my motto"
Sukhdev Singh
Lead Editor & Platinum Member at ISC