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  • Category: General SEO Questions

    Google VS Bing Search Engine


    The thread is about two big search engine in the world when we need some information then we just type or, both search engine give 100% answer when wright a word. Everyone better know that bing search is the product of Microsoft and Google search engine is product of Google. So now I want to know all member kindly give your interest about both engine.I switch on my computer then I just put the in address bar. What you do when you switch on your computer? I hope all member show their Interest and give a better response in this regards.
  • #12451
    Hi Zanib,
    As you are, i too will go to when i switch on my system. When i came at first to search or browse, i heared the name often in those period is Google. Many referred Google for the browsing. In India, Google was the top first search engine in ranking. The next place goes to Bing. Approbably Bing also the best search engine. Both Google and Bing gives best performances in its work. But i go to Google for its searching work.

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