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  • Category: Google Search Engine

    Cracked version of various softwares

    I want to get the cracked version of various softwares but unable to find the exact responses.I am using New heal software but it is very time taking and tedious me to mind exact results?
  • #11249
    Dear friend,
    Cracked version may harm your computer. Do not use cracked version in your computer.


  • #12764
    hello Friend

    I think I agree with Sultan statement that cracked version are very harmful for your computer. So if you keep save your computer then ignore it.

  • #12815
    [Response removed by Admin. Read forum policies.]
    Kartik Jagdale

  • #12816
    It was very harmful to download crack version of software. It will give problem for your computer. Your operating system gets into problem while online.

  • #12824
    Do not use cracked version of any software because they are harmful as well as illegal to use. So be aware of cracked versions of any software. You can spent few bucks to or genuine sites to download genuine and harm free versions of any software.

  • #13173
    Thaku all my friends,from now I will never use cracked version of any software for my lappy.


  • #13178
    Please do not use the cracked versions of the software. Although they are free but they are going to do more harm than good to you. I have suffered from this and I do not use them now.
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  • #13181

    Please rad carefully thread response of Sir Sukhdev Singh and member. I hope they provide good information about your thread.

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  • #13209
    @ nitendra shukla: You have done some mistakes while writing your question. You should always give space after full-stop (.) and the first word of your first letter after full stop should always be in capital.
    According to me you should never use cracked versions of software as it will harm your computer. You should always purchase genuine software so that your computer will be safe and secure.
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