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  • Category: Topic Recommendations

    Article approval time

    Hi i am new to this site.I want to know how much time does it take for approval of an article?
  • #10939
    There is no specific time for reviewing articles. Some times within one day or within 7 days. Otherwise up to 7 or more days

  • #10942
    Hello Friend

    Your articles will be approving as soon as possible and when the editor will get the time. You should not worry about it. You should keep your attention towards writing the good and knowledge full articles. And keep one thing in mind that you should not copy articles from any other resources yes you can take help from others but write in your own language.

    Thank's & Regards
    Sandeep Yadav

  • #10984
    Actually there is no approval time for articles. It depends on the availability of editor but it depends mainly on the article nature that you post. If it contains more grammatical mistakes, then it's status gets changed to pending. Your article only get approved when you clears all the errors in it. hope your doubt is cleared.

  • #10989
    Dear friend,
    Actually you no need to wait for the response try to post the articles as much you are restricted to your member level the rest of the articles must be created in a wordpad or notepad or something like that. Minimum it will take 24 hours to review the articles. Try to be active in forum section and article posting section and comes on the top 15 members hard workers of the month and earn revenue share bonus. And when your member level reaches gold you can create an adsense account and earn a lot.
    Regards and thanks

  • #11008
    Hi avinash pandey,
    There is no fixed time for approving articles. It is mainly depends on the reviewing time of Editors.

  • #11103
    Hi Avinash,
    As you are new to the techulator, you need to follow rules and regulations strictly. Articles you going to produce should be unique and valuable contents. Technology related articles are preferrable. If you produce good quality contents then your article will be approved within a day. If grammatical corrections and poor english in your articles then it will take time to analyse or even it may be rejected.

  • #11130
    There is no fixed time for approval.It is depend upon your content quality and availability of editors.


  • #11135

    First of all I welcomes you in this website and there is no fixed timing to approval of article when experts are free from other works in website I think then article is approved. I am also new and I joined this website few days ago so I think it is the reason for that.

    Wanted to make some milestones and achievements
    Rupesh kumar

  • #11139
    Dear Friend

    Being new member on this site i am facing the same situation like you. It is not an big issue that your article is not yet approved. The article you uploaded on techulator will go through detailed verification just in order to see that whether the content in your article is genuine or not after that only it will get approval but by the time keep on uploading the latest articles.

    Thank You,

    Neeraj Moudgil

  • #11141
    Dear Friend

    Your article might be in the process of getting approval, pending or rejected by the editors as these articles have to be checked by them so as to avoid any grammatical mistake or copied content in the subject content. If your article is of poor quality the editor will reply you and he will tell you what you are lacking in your particular article. So adequate time in needed by these people so that they will give their acceptance regarding your article as soon as possible. So I will advice at least to wait for 3 to 7 days for getting acceptance or whatever is the verdict of these editors. And lastly I would like to say that if you have any queries regarding your articles then you can contact - Webmaster.

    Neeraj Moudgil

    Thank You,

    Neeraj Moudgil

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