Hi Muneer,
As you said that your articles are getting rejected every time, there are certain standards that you have to follow for getting the approval for your articles.
The first standard is that your article must be genuine that is it should not have any copied content it that because Techulator do not accept the articles having copied contents
The second standard is the quality of the English that you use in your article. The articles with poor quality of English are straight away rejected by the editors because articles which are posted here in Techulator have good quality of English and these articles are further reviewed by the people who visit this site for the seeking the information regarding certain product.
The third standard is that there should be no grammatical mistake in your article.
Dear Muneer make sure your articles must pass all these standard then I am sure that your articles will definitely get approval by the editors.
Thank You.
Neeraj Moudgil
Thank You,
Neeraj Moudgil