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  • Category: JavaScript

    How to add a character?


    Suppose if we take gaming their were many characters in it. Like warrior, ninja, etc. So i need is how to add a character in a game. I need a code to create a character. I willing to develop a character but i dont know to develop. Please help me in this.
  • #9698
    Hi bharat,
    It is difficult create character in java script or any programming language. You need to set their shape,costumes, weapons and their motions and so on. I am not expert in java script programming language. Better way is that take a java script programming course. Then you can make charactors in game,


  • #9734
    Hi Sulthan,
    I am undergoing in training. Based upon i am trying to develop a game with my friends. So creating own game is more realistic and more enjoyable too. Thanks for your suggestions over here for me.

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