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  • Category: Topic Recommendations

    I would like to post article.


    I would like to know while posting articles how can I add fonts and picture so, that article its look good and attractive.

    Let me know so, that I can write and post article on Techulator.

    Please get back to me as soon as possible.


    Gaurav Jetly
  • #8963
    Don't change the font just for beautification of article. For font you have to use the font tag <font color="color">the text within</font>

    You will get an option to add images just below the description box of the article.

  • #8964
    Hello Gaurav

    First I suggest you to search the article topics on which you want to make the article then write articles in your own words in your word document file and see if any error is there then remove that. Here you should note that all words should be written by on your views the copy sentences are not allowed at any case.

    Now you should follow this way- see at the above one section Technology Articles is present you should click on it and then find post articles after that it will demand to proceed by selecting the one button you should select and proceed then select the category in which you want to post articles and after that select the sub category and then provide the details whichever is demanded like-
    • Article Title
    • Article summary
    • Article body

    Here you can also insert the image and you can make your articles attractive by using the HTML tags which are given right side of the article body.

    I hope you will be able to write the articles if you need more information please feel free to ask here.

    Thanks & regards
    Sandeep Yadav
    How to earn money online at

  • #9017

    Thanks, for your usefull information.

    Gaurav Jetly

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