Copy data from old/scrached disk
Do you have some important data and files in a old CD/DVD and you are unable to recover Data ?
Well this trick is for you, We will guide you with a Method to Recover your Important Data From damaged Disk/CD or DVD !
Just Follow the given simple steps:-
1. Download Roadkil's"Unstoppable Copier"
2. Just Open unstopcpc.exe
3. Insert your Disk
4. In Source Click on Browse and Select the CD/DVD Drive
5. In Target Click on Browse and Select the Location Where you have to Save the Data
That's it now Just click on Copy and wait till your data present in the CD/DVD is Copied to the Targeted Location
Please Note:- The Software is property "Roadkil's". By Default the speed of copying the Data is Set to Low so that your data can be Copied in Good conditions. If you want to increase the Data Copying speed Please Follow the Given Steps:-
1. Run unstopcpc.exe
2. Navigate to Settings tab
3. Now adjust your settings between Best Data Recovery and/or Fastest Data Recovery
That's it Enjoy !!