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  • Category: General SEO Questions

    What is meta description? How does it affect ranking of page?

    What is meta description? What is its simple meaning with respect to SEO fundamentals? How does it affect ranking of page? What should I do to use it in my blog? Any guide to learn it?
  • #7874
    Meta description plays a vital role in google's search engine optimazation policy ang also in improving page ranking. An articl or page without meta description may be neglected by google in search resuls or it would be not ptovided so much value.

  • #8456
    I am hoping this answer isn't too late. Meta Description is what shows up in search engine results.
    Usually an SEO person would add a tag - meta description tag and enter text here with the keyword mentioned in the description.
    Later the Internet world stated that a meta description was not considered in SEO.
    I would suggest that irrespective of what Matt Cutt and others say, we must perform basic SEO tasks. This includes adding a meta title and meta description.
    If you are using wordpress, download and install the All in One SEO plugin.

    Live life Fully and stay healthy!!

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