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  • How to close Canara Bank account?

    Know from our banking experts how to close your Canara bank savings account.

    I have a savings bank account with Canara Bank. I am not very happy with their service and would like to switch to another bank- particularly a private bank. I want to know how to close the Canara Bank account?. Can it be done online if I have Net Banking? Please guide.
  • Answers

    1 Answers found.
  • If you have money in your account, you need to transfer it to another account. Go to the Canara bank website at to do this.
    You will need to contact the bank and inform them that you would like to close the account. Contact the bank by calling 1800 425 0018. You will be notified of the account closure by the customer service representative. Then, write an application for account closure. In your application, you should write the number, owner details, and reasons for closing the account.

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