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  • How can I transfer my Windows 10 OS to newly installed SSD?

    Changed your laptop hard drive or SSD but now not sure how to activate your Windows after this migration? Know from our experts how to do so.

    I own ASUS X541U with 1 TB hard disk but it is giving 100% disk usage problem. I have now installed a new SSD of 120 GB capacity to increase the processing speed of my ASUS laptop with 4 GB RAM. How can I transfer my genuine or licensed version of Windows 10 to my new SSD hard disk?
  • Answers

    1 Answers found.
  • If you have a retail license for Windows 10, you can transfer the product key to a new computer. The license on the previous machine must be removed and the key must then be applied to the new one.

    Deactivate Windows 10 from the old pc. Use these steps:

    1. Click on Start.
    2. Go to Command Prompt, right-click and select the "Run as administrator"
    3. Type the following command: slmgr /upk
    4. After seeing the "Uninstalled product key successfully" message, enter the below command: slmgr /cpky
    5. Using the product key, you can activate the same edition of Windows 10 on another computer after completing the steps.

    Next, To activate windows 10 on a new PC.

    1. Click on Start.
    2. Search Command Prompt, right-click, and select the "Run as administrator"
    3. Type the following command and press Enter: slmgr /ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

    (Replace XXXX series with actual product key)

    4. Your new system is now activated with Windows 10.

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