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  • How to select a good App from Google Play Store

    Let's go basic and know from our experts how to select the best app for your needs among the many similar apps present in app stores.

    Nowadays for doing anything there is some app available in Google Play Store. When we go to download it then we find that there are many similar ones available there created by different companies or computer software hobbyists. In that crowd, it becomes very difficult to search and select a good one which is effective for our use. How to select a good App for a particular purpose from Google Play Store?
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • Similar to a product that one gets in the market we get a lot of apps for any purpose in the Play Store. Now to choose an app which is best among the crowd, you need to give a little time for research.

    When you search for an app on Playstore you get a lot of results.

    1. Try to loom for ratings of the app.
    2. Read user reviews.
    3. More review means more downloads and genuine reviews too.
    4. Look for suggestions on the web but those can be paid articles but still, you can get a hint about the best apps available for a particular task.
    5. Check for compatibility and last update of the app. A good app gets regular updates that remove any issues faced by its users.

    There will always be a lot of apps that would be providing the same service but once a user gets used to any app it becomes difficult for him/her also to change the app. So do give little time to read reviews of the app and keep in mind the above points to get the best app every time.

  • Manoj, thanks for the nice points. Appreciate.

    Knowledge is power.

  • Choosing the best app from the list we get after searching for an application on the Google Play Store has become difficult nowadays as we get several options of applications performing similar tasks but by different developers. Here I suggest you note a few points to consider before downloading an application from the Google Play Store :

    1. Ratings: Every application on the Google play store has some ratings which are given by its users who tried that app earlier. You can check out the ratings and expect the performance of that app accordingly.

    2. Number of downloads: Similar to what stated above, we can check out the number of downloads of any application on the Google play store before downloading that to our smart devices (more number of downloads is directly proportional to better performance). However, this could be taken for granted in case of a newly released application so for some instances you can be a helping hand to others for trusting and trying a newly released application. So for this point, I would recommend you to check the date of release with the number of downloads of that application before finally judging it.

    3. Developer: The developer plays an important role before choosing the right application on the Google play store, check out the developer of that app, and if it's trustworthy then only download that application.

    4. Reviews: The most important is reading user reviews. Reviews are what gives you the exact advice for an application available on the Google Play Store and the Google play store doesn't hide any user review from its page whether the review is in the favour of the application or in against it. Reading reviews will give you a rough idea of the application and you will get to know whether you will get exactly what your expectations are with this application or not.

    5. Paid application: Paid applications are to be considered more genuine and effective on the Google play store. Paid applications are free from ads and what more do you want, ads always annoy the users. However, there are few tricks or third party applications available for you to download paid apps for free on the Google play store.


    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

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