My hatchback - Maruti Suzuki Swift pickup is not good on acceleration
Facing issue in the pickup speed of your car and servicing it not solving the problem? Know from our experts how to get revert the pickup speed of your car like what you had when you bought it.
I have Maruti Suzuki Swift hatchback car brought in the year 2015. When the car was new, its pickup was really good, even a little acceleration gave it good speed and it felt that the car is pretty light and fast, but now I do not get the same acceleration as before and the pickup seems a little hard when I drive the car.
I have always got my car serviced regularly and from an authorized service center only but, still this problem has crept up. I had even told the service guys to check for the issue but they couldn't do anything.
Anyone with knowledge of same can throw some light so that I can get it repaired and get the original power of engine. My car has hardly run 40,000 kms in 5 years, so there is no issue of overuse.
I have always got my car serviced regularly and from an authorized service center only but, still this problem has crept up. I had even told the service guys to check for the issue but they couldn't do anything.
Anyone with knowledge of same can throw some light so that I can get it repaired and get the original power of engine. My car has hardly run 40,000 kms in 5 years, so there is no issue of overuse.