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  • Best online platform to learn about Raspberry pi and Arduino board

    Know from our experts where you can get technical knowledge on how to work with Raspberry pi and Arduino board. See the online websites which teach you advanced skills related to Raspberry pi and Arduino board.

    I have a project in my mind from a long time which is related to Raspberry pi and Arduino board but unfortunately I don't know much about these portable boards to work on. I would like to know some websites where I could learn about Raspberry pi and Arduino board. I would like to learn how to code in these boards and what are some practical projects made with these boards so far. But every time when I browse the Web to gain some knowledge about these topics I end up with only basic information about their architecture and arrangements. I would like to explore the practical projects made using these boards.

    Also specify if there is any other similar kind of board used for innovative projects.
  • Answers

    1 Answers found.
  • Raspberry Pi and Arduino board are useful for electronic hobbyist working on small projects. Raspberry Pi is much more versatile and much useful as compared to the Arduino board. Raspberry Pi is just like a mini-computer and one can make a large number of projects using that by connecting it to a project outside. If you are interested to learn about them and also some sample tutorial projects then there is a site where this is very well explained and illustrated and you can learn the things quite easily. You might require some external items when you are going to assemble a project. There are many ideas for projects also there.

    You can visit this particular site where you would get much information about this and there are many other linked pages where you can see the tutorials of your interest.

    Knowledge is power.

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