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  • Not able to copy files from Apple laptop to hard disk

    Trying to copy files from your Mac laptop to a USB or a hard disk but unable to do so? Know what you need to do and what methods are available so that you can copy files from Mac to an external storage.

    I was trying to copy some files from Apple laptop (MacBook pro) to the 1TB hard drive. It is not showing the paste command in edit drop-down menu. Is it not allowed in Apple iOS or there could be some other problem? Is there any app that can be installed in Apple laptop to enable it? Experts please share their opinions.
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • Is your external hard drive formatted according to Windows system (NTFS)?
    If yes, you may need to convert it to FAT (ExFAT) which is readable and writable by both Windows and Mac operating systems. Hope this solves your issue.

  • I understand now. Thanks. Incidentally I was able to copy from the laptop to pen drive easily. Does it mean that pen drive was already in FAT format? I assume so.

    Knowledge is power.

  • Yes, your Pendrive must have been in FAT format. There are also paid tools available for copying data from Mac to harddrive even when there is a format different.

  • Amit, thanks for your quick response.

    Knowledge is power.

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