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  • What are flash sales and how are these flash sales beneficial for companies

    What exactly are flash sales and how they benefit the manufacturers and consumers? Know the details to their business secrets and how this marketing technique works out for them.

    In past 5 years I have seen many flash sales mostly on eCommerce websites, how are flash sales beneficial for eCommerce and for the sellers listed on eCommerce websites? Please list some advantages and disadvantages that a customer, eCommerce and sellers deals with. How does it help sellers to grow their business?
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  • Flash sales are basically a way of marketing by creating hype in consumers. The wait of opening up of slots of purchase, the limited inventory available and the quick finishing up of the stock; all this adds up to the excitement of the purchase making it a great way to sell your products. However, you need to have good quality products as well to be able to run these flash sales successfully. After all, if after the first sale, there is negative publicity of the product, no one would want to participate in the next flash sale from the same company.

    Such sales also help the company by allowing them to focus on only one product model at a time. For example, Mi always held flash sales of their one product at a time and once their target sale got over, they would launch another product and only that would be available in the consequent flash sales.

    So all in all, if you are selling a hot product at a budget price, flash sales are the perfect thing for a company.

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