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  • How to back up SMS for OS flash in smartphone

    How to retrieve your SMSs even after flashing your Android phone. The tips expressed from our experts should be helpful for you.

    I would like to flash the Android operating system due to stuck / hang issue in my smartphone. I wanted to save the old SMS and retrieve it back after mobile phone flash or restore factory setting. Thus, I would like to know how to keep and retrieve the old SMS stored by default in Android smartphone even after its flash? Kindly enlighten on this.
  • Answers

    1 Answers found.
  • You need to make use of a tool to backup your SMS from Android smartphone. There are a lot of tools available for this including Android apps that will backup your SMS on the cloud and restore it from there when you install the same app on your smartphone again. Or, you can backup the SMS locally on your computer by using a desktop software.

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