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  • How to make a scrolling banner in Wordpress sidebar?

    See our technical experts explain on how to make your Wordpress website side banner a scrolling one, following users on their screen in the side even when they scroll down.

    I have added a banner of size 300x250 to my WordPress blog. I would want to make it scrolling- the banner keeps scrolling in the sidebar as the customer scrolls down the page. How to do this? Is there any ready plugin available for doing this? I am not very well versed with coding.
  • Answers

    1 Answers found.
  • This can be achieved using the CSS. You have to find out the div id of that widget in the sidebar for the banner. If you don't have it as a widget then make sure to turn that block into id or the class. And then add the following css for it to remain floating sidebar banner. For this code to work you have to properly give the class or id the property of fixed position.

    position: fixed;

    This should make the banner floating no matter how long the user stays scrolling. Hope this helps out.

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