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  • How to play PUBG games - tips and steps required

    Do you play PUBG games? Here are some tips from our technical experts that will help you win the game.

    PUBG game is very famous these days and there are contests too around online / offline. I have some query on this Players Unknown Battle Ground (PUBG) game, so, would like to know from the expert on some basic steps of gameplay to enter and play it.

    I heard it has mobile and desktop version to download and play. Kindly elaborate on this.
  • Answers

    1 Answers found.
  • Player Unknown's Battlegrounds is a Battle Royale game that is played with 100 players and is a combat between teams participated by either Solo, Duo or squads of 4 players wherein the last team standing alive is the winner or what is called as a "Chicken Dinner" in the language of the game. In order to win, players must be very prompt, accurate and disciplined especially when playing in a squad because a lack of coordination often cost defeat in this game.

    While playing PUBG, you will not only encounter real players but also bots that are somewhat very dumb and can be terminated without much trouble. The real pain would be when you misunderstand a real player with a bot and surge without taking guard. So, the first tip would be not to hurry on spotting an enemy and take considerate action only after ascertaining whether it is a bot or a real player.

    Next is the Costume you will be wearing. Avoid wearing contrast costume even though it looks cool because you will not be walking on a ramp at Erangel, Vikendi, Sahnok or Miramar when plying PUBG and showing off too much fashion would give enough sight for a sniper to knock you down.

    Further, be particular with the PUBG game weapon you pick and have a clear knowledge of what ammo is used by it. Generally, for close combat, a Vector or UMP9 with Extended Mag & Suppressor works great during the beginning of the game while on the later part you may need a good AR weapon such as M416 which is considered the best. AKM is another popular one but has too much recoil for longer shots. For snipers, AWM is the winner and nothing beats it but one can also use M24 or KAR98 if found. However, remember that 8x scope works only on snippers and for weapons of any other category you have to use 3x,4x or 6x. In the PC version, you may also find a 15x scope. If you have no scope and want to choose between Red Dot and Holographic, the red dot is a sheer winner and loved by most players.

    Another tip would be that whenever you are reviving any knocked down player of your team than always try to use Smoke to not get sighted by the enemy who may still be sniping out there. This is also applicable when you go to get the airdrop supply.

    Finally, when jumping from the aircraft always take note of the flight path and choose a location on the map which is not much popular so that you don't get yourself hit the moment you land.

    These are a few tips from my side that would definitely help you win the Chicken Dinner in PUBG if done right.

    Regarding the mobile and desktop version of PUBG you wanted to know about, we must say that the mobile version is free to play with in-app purchase options while the desktop version needs to be purchased and needs a high-end PC with the graphics card to play. Some players also play the mobile version of the computer using an emulator with a keyboard and mouse as the game controller and is also a very fun way to play the PUBG on Windows.

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