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  • What is the meaning of EU Cookies notice on blog?

    Wonder what it could mean by EU Cookies notice on your blog? Our technical experts would explain you in detail.

    I have received the following message on my blogger dashboard in my blog on the topic GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering.
    "European Union laws require you to give European Union visitors information about cookies used and data collected on your blog. In many cases, these laws also require you to obtain consent"
    What does this message mean?
    How to proceed for this and is there any steps to be taken?
  • Answers

    1 Answers found.
  • Hi Paresh,
    Google has taken care of this notice and when you get any European visitors, they will be explained the collection of data by Google, Blogspot, AdSense and Analytics cookies. So you don't need to take any steps and can continue to blog as you have been doing till now.

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