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  • Does Tez App help to earn in long duration?

    Unable to make proper use of the latest Tez app? Our technical experts are here to help you out.

    I have a doubt on the Tez App. We can earn a few bucks initially after downloading and installing the Tez App by providing our personal or bank details etc. Later, we get the message 'better luck next time' message for many weeks or months. No earns. Is it bad luck or something tricky. Please enlighten your Tez App experience.
  • Answers

    1 Answers found.
  • Dear Tez User,

    I have been using Tez App for the online transaction since it was evolved. I can guarantee there is no other app which competes Tez. Possibly because it is developed by Google itself to make our life easier.

    I have earned Rs 2167 using the scratch card and referral mixed. Around 10 referral which means around Rs 500 I got through referral and rest all from scratching the card. Please note that this Rs 2167 is free for me. And google randomly provides this money to its users. There are many people who got Rs 800-900 in a single scratch card. Possibility is this also that if you are transacting frequently and with large amount chances are there you may get extra money.

    So I would say that transact for more money, like pay your electricity bill, gas bill and other through Tez and chances for you to not see better luck next time may reduce.

    All the best

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