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  • When I Open Windows Movie Makers My Laptop Got Bluescreen

    Are you facing trouble with your Movie Makers application? Our technical experts are here to help you out.

    Whenever I open Movie Makers application then my laptop screen hangs for 10 seconds and after that, it shows me a blue screen and a memory dump of 434 MB.

    It says that atikmdag sys error

    I am waiting for a proper guideline from proper technical persons to resolve this issue as early as possible.
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • It looks like your Movie Maker Application is facing some technical error like, any of its system files have got corrupt or damaged or got accidentally deleted.
    You have not mentioned if your system is having any other problems like slowing down, or showing some error messages while running some other application software.
    There could be another probability that your system is running short of memory. You can try creating some more space in your system's memory by deleting excessive photos, movies or videos.
    It could even be a virus issue. So run a good antivirus on your system and see if it makes any positive changes.
    Clean your system with a system cleaner application, like CC Cleaner.
    One more thing you can do is uninstall this program and re-install it with its latest version available.

  • The issue you are facing forms part of several BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) syndrome that affects Windows systems. The atikmdag sys error can be solved using the following method(s) -
    It can be a result of your external graphic card driver conflicting with the hardware. The best solution can be updating your drivers. You can also remove the driver that conflicts with your hardware and let it reinstall itself. Here is how you can do it.
    • Reboot your PC in safe mode. Different PCs and software versions have different methods to go into safe mode. The most common option is to restart your PC and while is rebooting keep pressing the F8 key. From the options available, choose safe mode.
    • Launch Device Manager from the START menu, or otherwise
    • Choose the driver that has been creating issues and click on Uninstall.
    • Remove any other programs that are associated with your graphic card
    • Reboot and then download and install proper drivers

    You can also use any third party driver updater software for the purpose. If the issue with the driver is ruled out, the main cause can be your graphic card itself. You may need to replace it.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • You didn't mention the version of Windows you're using so directing to specific update patch would be harder. But on generic solution as this is more of BSOD type of error, you'd find the error related information there. Here are some ways to find out if it's recurring.

    1. Boot your system into safe mode by pressing F3 during boot.
    2. Try to open the application in safe mode.
    3. If it doesn't have any issues, then this type of behavior can be patched with service pack update.
    4. If the problem persists then possible that movie maker has some bug.

    If you can't boot into the safe mode, then you can repair your installation of Windows and in this process, movie maker also gets patched. That should also resolve your error.

    Alternatively find out if it's hardware issue. As most of the hardware services usually conflict with device graphics and the other background services. And this may cause the system to crash.

    If your system is Windows 7 then find out how to get rid of this error in this page :

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    Tips to fix-

    Perform a hard reset.
    Run a hardware diagnostic test.
    Disconnect external devices.
    Boot into safe mode with networking.
    Run the blue screen troubleshooter using SupportAssist.
    Repair the missing or corrupted Windows system files.
    Update the BIOS and drivers.
    Restore the computer using Windows System Restore.

    Rachel Gomez

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