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  • Is there any copyright issue on own recorded Cricket video uploading in YouTube

    Are you facing copyright issues while uploading Cricket Videos on Youtube? Ask our technical experts to know more on this.

    I recently attended a cricket match of IPL 2017 and recorded a live match with a few seconds clip every now and then from my Smartphone. Later I uploaded my own recorded IPL Cricket clips on my YouTube account. I received a copyright violation issue email after some time as "copyright takedown notice" and violation etc.

    So, I would like to know from the expert that, is there any copyright issue if we upload the cricket match video to YouTube which was self-recorded from our smartphone? Kindly enlighten on this.
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • It does violate copyright. Since the content is copyrighted to the stake holders, you are not allowed to post it on YouTube. In fact, YouTube allows only that content that has been created by you. The terms of service specifically state that requirement. AdSense too considers it as a violation of copyright.
    Maybe you can edit the video and then add your own commentary and then upload it to the site. It comes under the Fair Usage Policy. Though I am not sure whether it is allowed.

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