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  • How to install wordpress and which theme is good for technology niche?

    Are you looking for a step by step guide on how to install Wordpress and how to drive more traffic to your site? Ask our technical experts for the best guidance.

    I want to start a blog but, I don't know how to install wordpress. I have already taken domain and hosting. And please also help in how to get more traffic for my blog. I want to learn Search Engine Optimization (SEO) through my blog so please give me SEO tips as well.
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • Here is the installation process of wordpress. It helps you to start your blog.

    Installation Steps
    1. Download the wordpress package from
    2. Extract the Zip file to upload the wordpress.
    3. You can upload your wordpress through FTP or File manager or SSH access.
    4. Need to create MySQL database.
    5. Need to create an User account.
    6. Login to cPanel.
    7. In database section, click "MySQL Database Wizard".
    8. Enter the database name to create a database, click next.
    9. Need to create users account in the database.
    10. Enter database user name and password, click create user.
    11. Click "All Privileges" and click next to complete the task.
    12. Need to configure wp-config.php.
    13. Login to cPanel.
    14. In "Files" section, click File Manager.
    15. Select "Web Root", show "Hidden Files" and click GO.
    16. Next run the installation process.
    17. Open the browser and run the url's for the installation
    18. Once the installation page opened, fill the respective fields.
    19. Finally click "Install Now".

    Increasing Traffic to Blog
    Here are some of the key points which you need to increase traffic for your blog. Some of them are:

    1. Blog consistently.
    2. Write comments on other user's blogs.
    3. Create links for your posts.
    4. Create social media links to Facebook and Twitter accounts.
    5. Create attractive headlines.
    6. Create unique keywords for your post.
    7. Make good content quality.
    8. Create links for other sites.
    9. Write simple and shorter contents.
    10. Use trace backs.

    SEO tips for Blog
    Here some of the SEO tips that makes your blog stronger. It could make you to know simpler for your blog.

    1. Create a proper heading which makes your post better in search optimization. In search engine, the post will be flexible to find from the server storage.
    2. Create unique keywords in your post that will make valuable for your post. In the search engine those keywords will fetch your post available for the researchers.
    3. Some of the important thing you need to include in the posts are Title, Headings and Subheadings, Summary, Body content, Anchoring text, Title tags and meta descriptions.
    4. Need to optimize images whenever you create in the post. Those images should be created with the keywords that will fetch the description from the search engine.
    5. Create a linking option for other bloggers post in your blog. This will create more traffic and suggestion list of your articles. This will draw good number of viewers visit your site/post.
    6. Create a subscription in your post. This will allow other users to subscribe to your new posts whenever you publish one. They will get a notification which would remind them of your posts more often.
    7. Create social media connection in your blog. This makes all your post connected to the social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and so on. This helps to get more traffic for your posts.

  • Well, before you can begin installing Wordpress, you will need to have a custom domain and a good hosting plan. Since you have already fulfilled those requirements, go through the steps here below install WordPress for your custom domain.

    Installing WordPress
    Installation is normally done through your cPanel of your hosting account. You will easily get an option to install WordPress therein. However, if you are the one who wants to do it manually. here are the steps involved.
    • You will need an FTP clent for the purpose.
    • Download the latest version of WordPress. You can get it from
    • Unzip those files and upload using the FTP to the web directory of your choice.
    • Now go to the cPanel of your hosting company. Create a database here.
    • Enter a name for your new database, and click on Create Database
    • Create a user name. To do that, under MySQL database page, scroll to MySQL and provide a new user name and password. Clsick on Create User
    • Now you will need to add user to databse. Scroll down to MySQL database and click on Add user to database. Choose the user and database in the drop down list and click on Add,
    • Choose the privileges( select all of them) and click on Make Changes.
    • Now you will need to install WordPress. Go to the URL where you uploaded the WordPress files. Choose the language. Click on Continue
    • Then click on Lets Go on the next screen. Enter the name of your database in the next screen and click on Submit
    • Now click on Run Install. Create user name, site name, password and other details on the screen that appears.
    • Now click on Install WordPress to continue.

    That should do it. Your Wordpress is now installed.

    I would advise you to follow the onscreen quick installer provided by most of the hosting companies. It would ease out the issues you may face when attempting to install it yourself manually.

    How to increase blog traffic?
    1. Create content quite regularly. You should understand that content is king.
    2. Go social. Share your content as much as possible.
    3. Pay attention to the headlines. Interesting headlines can be attractive enough to drive more traffic.
    4. Use long tail keywords. Using long tail keywords can be good from SEO point of view.
    5. Consider guest blogging. Either you can write on an authority site, or get an expert author to write on your blog.
    6. Linking internally is yet another sure shot way to gather better traffic.
    7. Ensure that your site loads faster. Slow loading sites can repel potential visitors.
    8. Respond to comments. Always be responsive to the readers who keep coming back to you.

    SEO Tips
    Well, explaining SEO tricks in this response may not possible to the extent you would expect it to. That is perhaps something you need to learn quite consistently. However, some of the tips could be
    1. Stick to your niche
    Try not be a jack of all. Choose a perfect niche that suits you and keep writing on it. You can do a research or something on those lines so that you can zero in on a particular niche.
    2. Keywords
    That is exactly what matters most in SEO. Include keywords in as many times as possible. But be within a limit. Avoid keyword spamming.

    3. Use keywords in permalinks
    Some sites use numbers in permalinks. It may look ugly and may not be a good idea from SEO point of view. Go for keywords in your permalinks.

    4. Make your site run faster
    The time your pages take to load is of utmost importance. Check the blog your self to find any issues with respect to loading times. Remove the unnecessary components that appear to slow down your site may not be something that you would not expect.

    5. Use keywords in images
    Your images used on the blog should contain keywords. Reframe your image files and rename it to something that is related to your keywords.

    6. Create links to other sites
    You can create links to some authority sites. Add a blog roll, link list or usual internal link. Do not overdo it.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • You didn't mention if you are on Linux hosting or Windows. Depending on that information the steps for installation will differ. The reason being Linux hosting on shared hosts are under cpanel, and Windows shared hosting are under Helm and similar other control panel. So the installation process will differ for both of these server types. The methods explained below are in assumption based on if your have cpanel or helm. And the instructions will be the same for both while installing the WordPress.

    Installation of WordPress in Cpanel/Zpanel/Webmin/Web Panel on Shared Hosting

    Here's the instructions for the installation of WordPress on your hosting regardless of it being Linux or Windows.

    1. Login to cpanel.
    2. Find one of the following - "fantastico" or "Quick Installer".
    3. Click on Install button to go to another installation page.
    4. Choose the domain mapping. You can choose to install on main domain and in such case keep the option as "/". If you choose to install on some directory then use the "/folder" option.
    5. Choose the mysql database name. You don't have to create this database as the installer script itself will do that for you.
    6. Choose the admin username. Don't keep it at default admin name.
    7. Choose the admin password, choose over 8 character mix of symbols, numbers and character.
    8. Click install.

    This should start the WordPress installation. After successful installation it will create success message. From here onward you can go to : . And you can use admin username and password to get into the backend dashboard for WordPress. Here you have to replace "yourdomainname" with name of your domain.

    WordPress theme for Tech Niche

    As for the theme, I suggest you to take a look at the Divi builder. You may also want to take a look at StudioPress Metro Pro theme. Other frameworks like Thesis can be good too.

    WordPress SEO Tips

    1. Try to simplify SEO with plugins such as All in one SEO or Yoast SEO. The reason being these two plugins makes it easier for you to include keywords and the snippet. So install one of from these two plugins.
    2. Use better permalinks options. Such as : /%postname%/ this will help more for your SEO side.
    3. Use better keywords in your titles and at the end of the post. Avoid using too many keywords in a post.
    4. Create XML sitemap for the blog with sitemap plugin.
    5. Connect the blog with Google search console. And try to read the errors and warning it may show and rectify that.
    6. Don't use flash and other high end media elements.
    7. Use google analytics to track your content and traffic. You can use plugin or the HTML code directly inside theme for tracking with Google analytics.
    8. Use the keyword on the link anchor. Avoid too much of keyword spam.
    9. Use keyword for images. So that text alternative will also show the keyword during the search.
    10. Use google data snippet viewer for making post snippet and website meta snippet.

    These are some of the tips that you need to follow in order for better SEO.

    Tips for traffic Improvement

    Here are some of the tips I can suggest for traffic improvement.

    1. Post your content link to the forums of similar niche.
    2. Don't rely much on SEO. Instead use social media and establish branding for your blog.
    3. Create following on social media and automate the new content posted to these social media channels.
    4. Create branded post with your blog or website logo underneath. Make sure you use your own content and not copied ones.
    5. Use backlinks. They still work just make sure they are from relevant sites.
    6. Build traffic through Facebook pages and Youtube videos. Both work well if you have some decent following.

    This should get you started with the SEO and traffic. You can also keep making changes to the design and also some other SEO aspect for tweaking traffic to your site. Avoid blackhate SEO tricks and you're good to go.

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