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  • How to stop windows 10 automatic update?

    Are you looking for ways to stop Windows 10 automatic update? Ask our experts to help you out.

    I am using windows 10 operating system. Everything was working fine but whenever I connect my laptop with internet using Wifi, it automatically starts updating and all my data gets wasted when I am using my mobile phone hotspot. I have tried several methods but failed to solve the problem. So can you suggest me some ways to get rid of this automatic update problem in Windows 10?
  • Answers

    5 Answers found.
  • I would advise you to keep your system updated. However, there may be cases where updating your system may be a huge nightmare. The issue assumes more importance especially with the automatic update feature introduced by Microsoft in Windows 10.
    Here are a few tips on how you can stop Windows 10 from auto-updating itself.

    Set your internet connection as metered
    Windows 10 will not download updates if it finds that your connection is metered. You can make use of this feature to your benefit. You can set your WiFi connection as metered. Just go into Settings ->Network and Internet ->WiFi->Advanced Options and then turn on Set Metered Connection on.
    Please note that the ethernet connections cannot be set to metered.

    Disable Automatic driver update
    To do this, follow the steps below
    • Go into Control Panel.
    • Go to System and click on Advanced System Settings.
    • Open System Properties
    • On the Hardware tab, and click on Device Installation Settings
    • You will be asked whether you want to download the manufacturer apps and custom icons
    • Click No and then click on Save Settings

    Live....and Let Live!

  • Here are some of the ways with which you can disable the Windows 10 update.

    Method 1: Registry Value Change

    This method is meant to be used only if you have experience with registry editing. It's simple and quick. And you can easily remember how to turn it on and off. Also Windows 10 won't over ride the changes made here.

    Follow the steps here.

    1. In windows search type "regedit".
    2. Open registry editor.
    3. Find the key here : "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\"
    4. Edit the value with either 0 or 1.
    5. Save the changes.

    Method 2: Services

    Windows 10 basically registers an update service. You can disable it in order to stop the updates. Here is the process to follow.

    1. Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
    2. Find Windows update service.
    3. Edit startup type to "disable".
    4. Click Ok.

    That's it and this change should stop the Windows update services.

    Method 3: Metered Connection

    This is simple method but Windows 10 does over ride some of the time and run the background update. I think you can use this if you have access to wifi some of the times. Here's the process for the same.

    1. Click on Windows logo > Menu > Settings.
    2. In settings find Advanced option.
    3. Uncheck "give me updates .... " option.
    4. In drop down menu choose "Defer upgrades".

    Depending on Windows 10 version you may have, some options may or may not work for you. In such case, just use the registry editing method is the best to check.

  • Updation is important for all the operating system. But many of the users won't like new updates or auto updates. In Windows 10 generally there is no option for the users to turn off their automatic updates. But there are other options which could stop these updates. Here I have listed some of the methods in order to stop the automatic updates in Windows 10.

    Method – 1: Normal Search
    In this method you need to search normal to finish the steps of auto updates. It looks so simple and it may also work in most cases. Follow the steps given below:
    1. Go to Search box and search for "services.msc".
    2. Once you find it, open it for further processes.
    3. There you may find a listing of many service packs.
    4. Find "Windows Update" in it.
    5. Click to open the Windows update.
    6. You will get "Windows Update Properties".
    7. There from the Startup type, select the "Disabled" option.
    8. Finally click Apply button and then finish it off by clicking OK.

    Method – 2: Network under Group Policy
    This method is similar like the method 1 but if your network is connected and managed by Group policy, then you need follow this method to stop the auto updates. Follow the steps given below:
    1. Go to search box and search for "Edit Group Policy".
    2. If you find it, go to "Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update".
    3. Click the Settings option.
    4. There some lists will be shown, select the appropriate option for the choice of action you need.

    Method – 3: Metered Connection
    Most of them try to access your internet connection through Wi-Fi. In that scenario you need to follow these simple steps to control the auto updates. These steps will work only the network access through Wi-Fi. The other process won't be working with these steps. It will stop the downloading of auto updates. Here are the steps:
    1. Go to "Change Wi-Fi settings".
    2. Find "Advanced Options" and click.
    3. There you can see "Set as metered connection".
    4. Enable that option.

  • I have been using Windows 10 OS for a long time and want to reassure you that automatic windows update in Windows 10 OS is not getting disabled. Once you disable the same from Control Panel or from Windows Local Services, it becomes temporarily disabled and will be executed again during the next system restart. This was observed and checked many times, and verified that automatic Windows update in Microsoft's Windows 10 OS cannot be disabled.
    Microsoft has planned Windows 10 OS for continuous updates from Microsoft Website for each and every module of the OS.

    Alternatively, you can block Microsoft's website from your ISP and network firewall or Antivirus software so that automatic windows update will not affect your system even if it is enabled in your Windows because it is not connected to Microsoft's website because it is blocked in your firewall and antivirus software on your network.

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    To disable Windows 10 Automatic Updates:
    Go to Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services.
    Scroll down to Windows Update in the resulting list.
    Double-click the Windows Update Entry.
    In the resulting dialog, if the service is started, click 'Stop'
    Set Startup Type to Disabled.


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