Well, you heard that right. Apple has come up with iOS 10.2 update quite recently. There have been a few minor changes which can be outlined as below -
New Video AppA new video app has been introduced. It works across your iOS device and Apple TV. You can use it to search content on iTunes and your favourite streaming apps. The app does not support Netflix as of now and only available in the US.
New WallpapersiOS 10.2 has added three new wallpapers. The new wallpapers have a black background. Though it is not a great deal, yet worth considering.
New SOS featureYou now get new emergency options on iOS 10.2. I am not sure whether this feature is available in all countries. You can enter your emergency details. The service will be available on pressing the power button five times.
New EmojisA set of new Emojis have made their appearance on iOS 10.2 update. A clown, croissant, shark, owl and butterfly are some of the new additions. New profession based emojis have been added. The older emojis have received a facelift.
New video widgetThere is a new video widget that sits on the home page. A tap on it will take you straight to the app.
Saving your camera settingsYou can save your camera settings. This will let you have your favourite settings always accessible. You will no longer need to default to the preset settings and change it every time you shoot something.
MessagingThe bug in the iOS messaging has been rectified in iOS 10.2. You can now resume your text from the quick response bubble easily. Moreover, therer have been new love and celebration screen filters.
Apart from that, a few apps have received minor updates.
- Photos app now has the option to group similar photos.
- The Swipe Up music control offers you shuffle, Repeat and Next.
- The News app has a new Saved option.
However, some iPhone users have been complaining about a few bugs in the iOS 10.2. The battery issue where the battery suddenly dies when it is at 30% has been worsened in iOS 10.2 as some users have reported.