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  • How to add a Drop Down Menu from the Main Menu Bar in Blogger?

    Want to know how to add drop down options for the categories on your blogger blog? Confused about the drop down options addition on Blogger blogs? Our experts will guide you through the procedure in this thread.

    I want to add a dropdown list of categories in the Main Menu Bar of my Blog in Blogger. I tried using the tricks shown in different websites which appeared to the same question I searched for in Google. But I could not succeed till now.
    Till now my position is, that I could only place these categories as a list in one of the Pages that I have added in the Menu Bar. But that is awful. Please help me out with this through a step-by-step instruction.
  • Answers

    1 Answers found.
  • There are two ways this problem can be solved.

    1. Editing existing theme with Drop-down functionality added with HTML box.
    2. Create new theme and add the dropdown menu within theme.

    Option 1: Editing existing them.

    This option you have already tried as there are many tutorials circulating that shows you how to add the box inside theme. And this option assumes that you already using any random theme with some space on the top navigation. Here the thing to be done is only adding the HTML code for the existing dropdown. This may not always work because each existing theme has it's own CSS rules which you have to override.

    Option 2: New theme with Inline stylesheet.

    In this option you need to make the drop down with HTML code. And then style it with CSS. You can read the code in below pastebin and try it on your theme.

    Note: You can use the above code for both solutions and see if that solves your problem.

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