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  • Which book on blogging is best to buy?

    Are you looking for a book on blogging that is the best to buy? Ask our technical experts for the best suggestions.

    I have been doing blogging since many times but due to my full time study I cannot pay more attention to it and this is why I am not aware of latest updates in the field of blogging. I want to know every bit of it and want to buy a book on blogging. Please suggest me some good and proven book which can be very helpful to people like me.
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • Well, in my view blogging is something that needs to come from within. And it would need constant working to get your blog remain to be one of the top searched. The content as they reigns and so does constant updation. Having said that, here are a books that may be helpful.

    Blog Inc
    The book is available on Amazon. You can choose either Kindle version of the book, or the traditional paperback version of the same. Authored by Joy Cho, Though the book was published in 2012, but still it has many relevant topics. The book has topics covering the ideas to get more traffic, increasing the blog presence and many more.

    How To Start A Blog That People Will Read
    This book looks at blogging as a business than as a hobby. You can get a better understanding of the elements like SEO, monetisation, SERP and other concepts.

    On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction
    The book lays emphasis on how to write well. It specifically works on the improvement of your language structure.

    Blogging All-in-One for Dummies
    It is an essential book for the bloggers to work on. It could be a good treatise for those who are novices in the blogging arena. You will learn on the basics of blogging and the concepts of getting better traffic.

    How To Start A Successful Blog In One Hour
    Authored by Steve Scott, the book is available only as an ebook option. It will aid you in starting up a blog in just a few minutes. Though the book is written for a complete novice in the blogging arena, it has many interesting concepts relevant to an experienced blogger as well.

    365 Blog Topic Ideas: For The Lifestyle Blogger Who Has Nothing to Write About
    The book is intended to give new ideas for blogging. If you are someone who keeps searching for topics, this can be a good option for you. Authored by Dana Fox, the book plans to offer you ideas that can be helpful for an entire year.

    I hope the list is helpful enough for your needs.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • Here are some of the books that can help you with the blogging and understanding how to write for web or any content format for that matter. You can get the tips from those books and apply in your own blogging.

    ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income : This book written by the Darren rowse and Chris garret. These two people are known for their blogging career. And their tips are definitely something you should read if you choose to blog for commercial reasons. Their personal blogs are worth reading too.

    Web Copy That Sells - Maria Veloso This book I personally used to learn the tricks of copy-writing. Her writing is very easy to understand and you can learn a lot on how to write effective web copy. This is one good book for the content writers and bloggers who wish to learn web copy.

    Why we buy - Paco Underhill This book is very useful for those content writers who write product reviews and buying guides. This book presents the psychology of the people in very simple way. And you learn how to focus on the content that attracts product conversion. Also this can be a good book for bloggers so that they can understand the intent of the users.

    On Writing - Stephen King The thriller horror novel writer stephen king has written this book. He has some of the nice tips on how to write. And how to effectively present your content. There is a lot to be learned from this book if you are a blogger.

    The Zen Habits Beginner's Guide to Mindfulness This book from Leo babuta is mix of zen and minimalism. If you want to write simple and make money then you should definitely check out his writing. There is a lot to be learned about his blogging.

    These books should be enough to get you started on writing. But if you want to read more on this I'd suggest reading books on copy-writing and minimalism. You'd improve as a blogger if you read books in those domains.

  • Here's a Bibliography I have created for your query on the Best Blogging Books. The Titles themselves tell you about what the book is all about.
    These books give a practical knowledge on how to improve your blogging style including a few tips on the online marketing strategies of your blogs. These books would help you acquiring a comprehensive knowledge on blogging. And many of them would lead you towards the route of being a successful blogger.
    If you are going to be a professional blogger then, you would find these books making a strong base for your writing career

    1. How To Write Great Blog Posts That Engage Readers by Steve Scott

    2. Blog Design For Dummies by Melissa Culbertson

    3. WordPress To Go by Sarah McHarry

    4. Problogger's Guide to Your First Week of Blogging by Darren Rowse

    5. 31 Days to Build a Better Blog by Darren Rowse

    6. How To Start A Successful Blog In One Hour by Steve Scott

    7. Web Hosting For Dummies by Peter Pollock

    8. WordPress For Dummies by Lisa Sabin-Wilson

    9. 31 Days To Finding Your Blogging Mojo by Bryan Allain

    10. DIY Blog Critique Ebook by Melissa Culbertson

    11. ProBlogger's Guide To Blogging For Your Business by Mark Hayward

    12. The Copywriting Scorecard for Bloggers by Darren Rowse.

    13. How To Make Money Blogging by Bob Lotich

    14. Secrets To Blogging Your Way To A Six-Figure Income by Darren Rowse / Chris Garett

    15. 500 Social Media Marketing Tips by Andrew Macarthy.

    Wish you Happy Blogging!

  • If you want to know more about blogging here some names of the books you could gain more knowledge about it. These books provide tips to the growth in the online market strategies. These books help you to develop yourself and acquire some more knowledge in blogging. It also gives you to route you in the path of success in your career. You may be new to blogging or existing one to use it, but you can prefer these books to make yourself stronger in the blogging field.

    1. Google blogger for dummies
    2. Blog design for dummies
    3. The complete idiots guide to WordPress
    4. WordPress web design for dummies
    5. The art of freelance blogging
    6. Secrets for blogging you way to a six figure income
    7. Tumblr for dummies
    8. Smashing WordPress: Beyond the blog
    9. Blogging all-in-one for dummies(2nd edition)
    10. 365 blog topic ideas: For the lifestyle blogger who has nothing to write about
    11. HTML, XHTML & CSS Visual quick start guide
    12. Epic Blog: One year editorial planner
    13. Blog, Inc.: Blogging for passion, Profit, and to create community
    14. Manage your day-to-day: Build your routine, find your focus, and sharpen your creative mind
    15. Creative Confidence: Unleashing the creative potential within us all
    16. How to make money blogging
    17. 500 social media marketing tips
    18. How to write great blog posts that engage readers
    19. Road map of a dot com mogul
    20. How to start a successful blog in one hour
    21. WordPress to go
    22. 31 days to finding your blogging mojo
    23. Likable social media
    24. Guide to blogging for your business
    25. Online business productivity

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