Bluetooth CSR 4 Dongle connection with Seedforce SK-S100 Bluetooth Speaker
Are you facing trouble with Seedforce SK-S100 Bluetooth Speaker? Ask our technical experts for the best solution.
First when I tried to Connect this Seed-force Speaker, one popup came up saying that the Peripheral driver is not been Installed. Anyhow I have searched through google and Installed a Bluetooth 2.0_Broadcom Bluetooth Driver and Application_v6.0.1.4900 and perhaps it's got the Peripheral Driver Installed.
Perhaps it is pairing with the Speaker but can not be add the Device to connect the Voice feature. So none of the voice type is getting activated by my Speaker i.e. Seed-force SK-S100. This all I am doing with my Computer Having Windows 7 SP1 operating system.
Please suggest me what more I can do with it to get the voice and connectivity.
Perhaps it is pairing with the Speaker but can not be add the Device to connect the Voice feature. So none of the voice type is getting activated by my Speaker i.e. Seed-force SK-S100. This all I am doing with my Computer Having Windows 7 SP1 operating system.
Please suggest me what more I can do with it to get the voice and connectivity.