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  • Where to get a scratch guard for my Xolo 8X-1000 sharp edge model?

    Are you looking for a scratch guard for your Xolo 8X-1000 sharp edge model? Keen on searching for a scratch guard without the tempered glass feature? Keep an eye on this Ask Experts thread for more information.

    I have searched a lot to get a scratch guard for my smartphone that is Xolo 8X-1000 sharp edge model. I am getting a number of tempered glass guard, which I don't want. I am looking specifically for only the scratch guard. What I am getting is scratch guard for the rounded corner model but not the sharp edge one. If anyone can get a scratch guard link for the above said model, it will be very useful.
  • Answers

    1 Answers found.
  • Well, I tried to find it for you over the Internet but it seems that it is unavailable or one possibility might be that they din't make such sharp edge model scratch guard. Most of them was out of stock.
    If you live around NCR region or nearby Nehru Place, you may certainly find it there because it is the largest market for technology related products.
    By the way if you consider my opinion, why don't you you pickup tempered glass instead because it give quite a lot protection. My mobile slipped off my hand some day ago but was prevented due to tempered glass. So it would be better for you to get tempered glass for some time, then keep searching and if you get it then replace it.

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