Here are some answers for your questions.
how to identify ownership or device name of the images or photos taken.
No personal information is embedded in the image. Other image related data however can be extracted from the EXIF data explains the device information as that is embedded along with the image data. The exif data capture process decides how much information to keep and discard in the photo. Some of the most common information that one can find in the device is - Resolution, Device manufacturer, Device name, Co-ordinates , specific only to DSLR devices), Date and time, ISO, Lens information, F-Stop. Depending on the type of the device you own (smartphone or DSLR), the information collected will be different for either device.
To identity here are some of the ways you need to use to read the EXIF data.
1. Photoshop App (go to image info and read the EXIF data)
2. Image viewer such as XNView, Google photos, Irfanview
3. On linux you can use ExifTool.
4. On Windows, you can right click the image and view image information. (Very limited EXIF data can be read).
Is there any simple method for finding out the device or image ownership detail in every photos uploaded online? Is there any tools to know owner or device of the photograph?
You can't find the ownership details. EXIF data doesn't record the ownership information as the device doesn't collect personal information. So the information you get from the EXIF data is specific to the device and it's specification. Along with the location information in case of DSLR etc. So there is no simple method for finding ownership detail. Photos uploaded online are usually circulated if copied from multiple places. So even the rename operation changes the origin date for the image. Hence it doesn't give you accurate information about anything related to the ownership.