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  • Free Wordpress site for Custom domain

    Are you looking for the best website to associate the custom domain with Wordpress? Ask our technical experts.

    Which one is offering free association of custom domain? Is it or I would like to know complete detail about one of them to associate my custom domain to any Wordpress platform. Kindly guide on this to pair it. If it is paid service then let me know which one is the best to associate the custom domain with Wordpress?
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • You should setup your domain at It is a free service. However, you have to buy web hosting from different website like HostGator, Bluehost, Godaddy. In a nutshell, you follow these steps:
    1. You buy a web hosting package from a web host.
    2. You upload WordPress software in it.
    3. You point you domain with this Web hosting.

  • Both the WordPress installation offers the association or mapping with the domain name. Both the services are paid here, so it's upto you to choose either one of them. is more controlled hosting which doesn't offer you much control. In case of, you have to install and set it up on your hosting site. So here you have to do everything on your own.

    Below I am listing the domain mapping process for both ( and one by one.

    If you're using then you have to follow the steps to associate with domain name.

    1. Loging to dashboard from account.
    2. Go to Domains.
    3. Add new domain.
    4. Click upgrade.
    5. In the domain settings page, get the nameserver of and paste them into your domain name registrar. If you have purchased the domain from then you don't have to do anything. If in future these set of instructions change you can either contact support or find help on their site.

    In case of, the process is slightly different. You have to first purchase the hosting package from websites such as - hawkhost, bluehost or hostgator. After you purchase CPanel based hosting follow these instructions. Point your domains nameserver to host from where you purchased hosting.

    1. Login to Cpanel of your hosted domain.
    2. Find domains options.
    3. Use "Add domain" to add the domain into the cpanel.
    4. Go to fantastico or Script installer icon.
    5. Find WordPress script installer.
    6. Click Install WordPress.
    7. Provide the details for your domain, and dashboard login details.
    8. Click install.
    9. This will install and give you wordpress on your domain. You can access the wordpress backend at

    Depending on how you wish to go for custom domain and the type of host you have the process may involve few more steps. This is because the dashboard may differ from one host to another for hosted WordPress.

  • Both & WordPress. org are offering it but there is slight variation in maintaining and also some features in it.

    When you go with, it will help you start with free service by adding it domain to your blog ( for example ) which is much like Blogspot blogs. Customizing the blog is easy and all the other features are pretty same. You can add custom domain also but it is paid service they will charge for redirection ( to ), you can buy a domain from them which costs you around $18 per year. For hosting, you need to pay $8 per month or $24 per month which depends on the plan you choose.

    In WordPress. org, there is no confusion, you need to buy a custom domain from the big rock, GoDaddy etc ( which can cost you Rs 700 per year, you can start with Rs 125 for the first year and then onwards 700 per year ). Then you need to buy hosting, it can be shared or VPS. Shared hosting usually costs around some 4-7k per year and when it comes to VPS it costs around 60-80$ per year with some heavy technical stuff involved. You have full control over your blog and can tweak with a lot of plugins & themes, unlike where it is restricted.

    I would rather suggest you to go with WordPress. org and explore it. You will have control over your blog and with a lot of themes and plugins and customization options.

  • The biggest difference between the and is the hosting. In, it is you who is hosting your website. The service will let you download and install all the WordPress software and plugins which you can use in your site and host it on your own server ( actually the server space that you would pay for). on the other hand handles the hassles of hosting your blog. There is no need for any payment for managing the server or for hosting.

    As far as my info goes, you will not be able to use custom domain in its free variant. Your blog will have a name that resembles Uploading new themes or plugins is not possible on it. If you want to get rid of the from your site URL, you will need to opt for the premium version that allows you use custom domain.

    You will have a complete control on your blog with But, it will not be available for free. You will need to get a custom domain. The choice of domain registrar would be your choice. Then you need to buy a hosting plan from your favourite hosting provider. That should cost you around Rs. 5000 a year. Please note that the cost of the domain is dependent on the popularity it shares.

    The choice should be yours. If you want to build a private site like only for the near and dear ones, should be enough. You will have an inexpensive way to be online. But, if you have been planning on developing a professional website, then I would prefer you to go for That way, you will have complete control over what your blog looks like and appeals to your customers.

    Live....and Let Live!

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