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  • Confusion in documentry proof for issuing Passport

    Are you confused about the system of documentry proof required for issuing Passport? Our technical experts will guide you through.

    I have successfully registered for Passport online. Everything is done except the Payment and Document proof.
    According to instruction there is 3 documents proof required on which I have first two documents but I'm confused with the third one which is
    "Documentary proof for any one of the Non-ECR (previously ECNR) categories". I Refereed column 2.15 under section-B of passport instruction booklet but still confused with which document they are talking about so please suggest me which proof for non-ECR I should prefer?
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • ECR ( Emigration check Required ), if you haven't passed tenth class then you will fall under the category of ECR. If you have passed 10th or graduate , you will fall under ECNR. ECR essentially means every time they need to get clearance from immigration office when they are going out of India.

    For this you need to give a copy of original Memo's of your 10th class, inter and graduate. ( From 10th to the standard your studying right now ). This will be a proof for your 10th pass and you will be categorized under ECNR. Basically there should be 3 proof, one is your original certificates, second and third may be birth certificate, Aadhar, PAN card, Driving license, Voter card.

  • You didn't mention your educational and professional qualification, and the proof of a Non - ECR documents are based purely on that.
    However, I am jotting down the documents for the general categories and not including the particular professional categories like, a gazetted officer, and other professional degree holders, but I am giving you the link from where you can find out your own category for which you need the respective documents.

    Visit this page:

    See if you find your own case among the following:

    1. All persons having educational qualifications of matriculation and above
    Documents Required: Matriculation Pass Certificate

    2. All persons above the age of 50 years
    Documents Required:
    i) Birth Certificate issued by the Municipal Authority
    ii) School leaving certificate / Secondary School leaving certificate/ Certificate of Recognized Boards from the school last attended by the applicant
    iii) Affidavit sworn before a Magistrate/Notary stating date/place of birth for illiterate or semi-illiterate applicants (Less than 5th class)

    3. All children up to the age of 18 years.
    Documents Required:
    Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Authority or any office authorized to issue Birth Certificate

    4. Income-Tax payers (including Agricultural Income-Tax payees) in their individual capacity, their spouses and dependent children below the age 18 years
    Documents Required:
    i) Proof of assessment of income tax and actual payment of income tax for last one year
    ii) Income Tax return statement (with income tax being paid by the applicant) for last one year that is stamped by income tax authorities and a copy of the PAN card
    Note: i) Proof of payment of advance tax is not sufficient. You need to submit additional documents as specified above
    ii) Applicants submitting NILL income tax return statement are not eligible.
    For spouses, certificate signifying relation
    i) An attested copy of marriage certificate issued by the Marriage Registrar needs to be submitted. For verification, spouse's name needs to be endorsed in the applicant's passport.
    For dependent children certificate signifying relation
    i) Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Authority or any office authorized to issue Birth Certificate
    ii) School leaving certificate / Secondary School leaving certificate/ Certificate of Recognized Boards from the school last attended by the applicant or any other recognized educational institution.

    These are only for the broad categories, for specific technical and professional certificate holders please refer to the link given above.

  • Well, first of all, make sure whether you come under ECR or non ECR category. ECR stands for Emigration Check Required.
    The non ECR category comprises of the following persons -

    1. Diplomats
    2. Gazetted officers of central/state governments and their dependents.
    3. All those with qualification above matriculation.
    4. All the people above 50 years of age and those below 18 years of age irrespective of above categories.
    5. Professional degree holders like Engg or medical, income tax payers (and their dependents) and nurses qualified under Indian Nursing Council Act.
    6. All those having permanent immigration visa or permanent residence cards.

    The documents needed for non ECR category depend on what category you belong to from the above list. If you are applying i the category of people with qualification above matriculation, you will need to produce High school certificate/marks sheet or passing certificate.

    If you fall under the category based on ages, you need to produce birth certificate or school leaving certificate.

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