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  • How to activate regional pack in Tata Sky online?

    Do you want a step-by-step guide on how to activate regional pack in Tata Sky online? Ask our technical experts for the best guiding lines.

    I am an existing Tata Sky subscriber. I would like to know the detailed step by step procedure about how to activate regional pack in Tata Sky online. Please guide me.
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • Here are the simple steps to follow:

    1) Login to your Tata sky account with your registered phone number or Subscripton ID.

    2) In the main menu bar, there is this View/Modify Packages Option.

    3) Click on that.

    4) They will ask you for the password once more,

    5) Enter the password, and you will be taken to the relevant page.

    6) There you will find options to view and add Regional Packs.

    7) They would show the existing pack you are using and you would get to see options like,

    » Add one free Regional Pack
    » Add paid Regional Packs over & above the two free Regional Packs

    8) Click or select the one of your choice from the above list

    9) Then you would get the list of Regional packs.

    10) Select the pack of your choice and click on the "submit" button on the right side of the page.

    11) They will redirect the page of processing in few seconds and then ask for confirmation.

    12) Click Confirm and you are done.

  • Well, it is quite easy to add regional packs to your package on Tata Sky. Here we go with the steps -

    1. Login to My Tata Sky. You can get to the site by

    2. You can login either by using your Registered Mobile Number (RMN) or your subscriber ID.

    3. Click on View/Modify Packages.

    4. You will be asked to provide your password.

    5. Enter your password and click on Submit.

    6. On the next page, click on Regional Packs tab.

    7. The Regional Packs you have subscribed to are shown to you. You can decide to drop the packs you do not wish to have on your pack.

    8. Below the list of packs subscribed by you, you can see the options for
    • Change your Free Regional Packs
    • Add paid Regional Packs over and above the two free regional packs

    9. Please note that you are entitled to two free regional packs.

    10. The changes you make will be reflected under Your Subscription Package.

    11. Once done, you can click on Submit under Your Subscription Package.

    12. The page should refresh now and ask for your confirmation to make the changes.

    13. Click on Confirm and you are done.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • Regional packages can be added and removed from the Tata Sky sing the portal. Follow the instructions below to understand how the regional packs can be added or removed.

    1. Go to the following URL:

    2. Login with your subscriber ID or registered mobile number. If you don't have RMN set up then you have to register for the same from the portal.

    3. Once you logged into the dashboard. Check the link "View Modify Packages".

    4. Login into this section will require you to authorize the login again. This is only for the confirmation purpose.

    5. This page will show you the existing subscription package. Also you can see the regional packages, metro, base package and a-la carte package.

    6. You can choose the add-on regional package here.

    7. Apart from one free regional pack, you get one more regional package. If it's not added into base pack, you can add it to subscription on this page.

    8. Click on submit to reflect your changes. Confirm changes on next page.

    9. Once your changes are confirmed your subscription package will reflect the future charges for the added paid packages.

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