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  • How to cancel AskMeBazaar order?

    Do you want to cancel your AskMeBazaar order? Ask our experts to know how to go about it.

    I would like to know how to cancel AskMeBazaar order. Please give me the step by step instructions.
  • Answers

    2 Answers found.
  • The site AskMeBazzar does not seem to have a clear strategy on the exact cancellation procedure. The website in any part does not speak of cancellations. There are informations available only about the return and refund.

    There is a statement that says orders once placed cannot be modified. You may follow the below mentioned steps to cancel the order.
    In case of returns, users shall inform AskMeBazzar within 48 hours. You may raise complaint on or call on 04444444444.

    The best option as I can guess is to navigate to their support page and raise the complaint about cancellation.

    I checked their website for information on the cancellation policy, but could not find any specific information provided. However, they have policies charted out for refund/return clearly mentioned. If you are interested, they may be listed out here.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • AskMeBazzar is an open marketplace so they have some issues with the returns and cancellation. The reason being they don't have any set criteria and rules as of yet for returns like Amazon and Flipkart. So in order to manage the returns and shipping, you have to directly contact the support. They don't have any set procedure for the returns as of yet.

    You can get the details regarding the returns and exchange here:

    Do go through the terms and conditions before initiating the return or exchange.

    AskMeBazzar expects you to call them and start support ticket 48 hours from the delivery of the goods delivered. You can call them on their 04444444444 number and raise the complaint.

    You have to mention the following:

    1. Order ID
    2. Shipping label

    If it's any specific product then you have to mention it's details to the support.

    Reverse pickup of the delivery is also limited in some states. So you have to understand that you'd be asked to either deliver on your own.

    Another option is to raise the complaint in the support section of the website. There is not much an FAQ there for the help but you have to create the ticket for your problem there.

    Do note that the website is yet to establish itself on both seller and customer's process. And for this reason lot of times conflicts are not properly resolves. So it'll take some time for them to establish the process for proper shipping of cancelled goods.

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