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  • What is a data card? What are its benefits?

    Are you looking for more details of a data card and its benefits? Ask our experts for the best answers.

    I have a few queries related to data card. I'll be glad if anyone answers them.

    1) What is exactly a data card? What is its use?

    2) Can we use any normal SIM card (which we use in mobile phones) in it?

    3) What are the price plans for it? Can we activate/use any data pack which we use on normal SIM cards?

    4) What is the difference between data cards and dongles provided by companies itself?

    Please answer my queries.
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • Here are some of the answers to your questions.

    1. Data card is basically an electronic SIM that allows you to send 2G/3G or 4G data through the electronic media. This is similar to the SIM card and can be used for the voice calling as well. The data card is usually packed within a USB dongle or Network card. In case of USB dongle you can use it for wireless data transfer. In case of network card it allows you to use it from the specific port. Data cards these days are used in Wireless Modems and USB dongle. Even they can be placed in tablet and smartphone.

    The primary use of the data card is for internet connectivity. You can use the card for downloading the data into your computer.

    2. Older 2G SIM's can't be used for the modern data transfer modes such as LTE and 3G. In such case you have to give up the existing number or port it to new SIM. You can't use the new frequency benefits by using the older SIM card. All new SIM cards that support 4G LTE and other services can be used in dongle or inside the smartphone.

    3. Price plans for data card are different from the normal SIM. The normal SIM is treated on data download basis and the data card is allotted specific bandwidth and often given unlimited data upto certain threshold of speed. In case of normal SIM you may have plans set differently. And you can't use data card plans on those SIM cards.

    Each telecom operator charges differently for the device. For example Vodafone 3G dongles cost 1500 Rs and 4G Dongle start from 2250 Rs. In case of TATA indicom the same dongle varies from state to state in case of pricing. The price starts from 1450 Rs onwards. Every telecom company has state specific pricing plans and the device plans differ accordingly.

    4. Data card standalone isn't sold by any telecom company. Every datacard is packaged within in USB dongle or Wifi device or packaged with smartphone SIM. Depending on how the usage is going to be, the dataplan for each of the device will be different. However inside the datacard remains the same and you can use different SIM inside those data devices too. So it's upto telecom company how they are selling the data plans. And that means if your Dongle is damaged then you can get new dongle from the company but data card remains the same. They only register new hardware number for the dongle.

  • A data card and a dongle can be used as synonimous terms if you are NOT going into the exact definitions. A data card is always used with a dongle. I do not think data cards are sold as separate entities.
    You can use your existing 2G SIM card on your USB dongle provided it is supported by your dongle. Please note that SIM cards prior to the current technology may not be supported. In such cases, you will need to approach the concerned telecom service provider to get a new SIM card with the same number. Some of the telecom providers charge you for the replacement card, while some may offer the upgrade for free. In any case, the charges are quite nominal in nature.

    You can use the SIM card in your dongle if it is not locked. A locked dongle is the one that accepts only one particular operator, the open dongles support any operator.

    As for your query on data plans for the data card, there is a differnetial plans available for regular 2G/3G mobile Internet and the 2G/3G data cards. Data cards are primarily used for data connectivity ( they do support voice calls in some cases) and your regular data plans will not be supported on your data card. Operators have different packs designed for 2G and 3G data cards just like we have different plans for 2G and 3G mobile internet. For the specific pricing and corresponding plans, you may need to visit the concerned telecom operator, or their local franchisee.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • A data card is conceptually called as a "standardized representation of a media program". NextMark was the pioneer of this the data card concept which describes it best as the standard in offline media which is now all ready for adapting in all digital media programs like websites, mobile ad programs, ad networks, and digital video ad programs.

    The Benefits
    Data cards are basically Media Planners because it is an easy to use way to find media programs, compare them, and finally incorporate them in the plan.

    To be specific these are the following benefits that you get only from a data card:

    1) Audited Description description of media program that works perfect for presentations.

    2) Protecting Privacy by filtering out those media programs that doesn't go with one's privacy policy.

    3) Integrates Site Analytics tools like comScore

    4)Placement inventory by letting you know about the inventory of every placement that takes place.

    5) Endorses Creativity by accumulating the creative prospects and limitations of all the placements.

    6) Downloading Documents, media kits and screen shots are easy.

    7) Sending Proposals in a click of a button.

    8) Add to Campaign is made easy too with a click of a button to the media plan of a running campaign.

    9) Multi-channel to one system to address all the selected media programs with both offline and digital support.

    10) Updated contact information saves time by acquiring additional details clubbed with special arrangements.

  • In a simple manner, Data card is a kind of dongle that comes with both (GSM or CDMA) option. They all are depend on Telecom service providers, or a dummy data card device (selling by Huawei etc.) without SIM where the buyer can use it their 3G or 4G SIM with pocket internet or internet tariff etc. to use the data card for the system or related device.

    This is mainly useful for the net connectivity or data usage (browsing) at the system. Reliance, MTS and other few telecom service providers sell CDMA data card with their own tariff. The monthly package is based on your requirement, usage and tariff. It is all depend on 1GB data usage to 10GB scheme or even unlimited etc. Some of them offer post paid tariff and some of them are offering pre-paid too.

    Nowadays, data card is coming with WiFi option which is really useful for the current trend since most of them using their data card for the System, Tab PC and Smartphone etc. In that way, data card with WiFi option is much better to buy which initially cost around Rs 1500, from any telecom service provider followed by monthly rental. I personally tested and felt that CDMA data card is far better than GSM one. Anyhow, it is all depend on the feasibility. I felt CDMA better due to roaming and using anywhere, whereas, GSM data card gives little trouble while comparing both.

    Whatsoever, every data card has microSD card slot which you can use it effectively. By the way, buy the data card based on your requirement. In general, post paid tariff starts from around Rs 600 + Tax.


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