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  • Can we use Big Bazaar gift voucher at Fashion @ Big Bazaar (FBB) stores?

    Want to know whether you can use your Big Bazar gift voucher at Fashion @ Big Bazaar stores? Ask our experts for the best advice.

    I have a Big Bazaar gift voucher. I want to use the voucher at Fashion @ Big Bazaar (FBB) stores. Can we use Big Bazaar gift voucher at Fashion @ Big Bazaar (FBB) stores? Please let me know.
  • Answers

    2 Answers found.
  • Yes, all Big Bazaar coupons are redeemable on all Big Bazaar shops as well as sub-branches.

    Joy Joon

    I am currently pursuing High School and planning to pursue career in Computer. Currently, I work on one of my blog - JTech Articles.

  • Your big bazaar voucher can be used in Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar and Fashion@Big Bazaar stores. Do note that Central and Shoppers stop despite being part of company that owns big bazaar doesn't accept those vouchers. You can't use the voucher code for big bazaar on shopper stop website or retail store. As shoppers stop and Central has partial price paying using their store specific vouchers, they don't allow big bazaar vouchers. Because big bazaar vouchers are meant to be used at full redemption.

    You can get more information about this on the Future retail homepage.

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