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  • What are the best BlogSpot SEO Tips for bloggers?

    Want to know the best Blogger SEO tips and tricks? Learn more about top Blogger SEO tips in this thread.

    BlogSpot being a free Blogging platform, is always a preferred platform to start Blogging and learn the basics.
    Google Blogger is free and easy to use web publishing tool. Many bloggers initially use Blogger and then migrate to WordPress complaining about lack of official templates, post SEO friendliness, plugins etc. With little effort we can make Blogger posts really SEO friendly and an effective free medium for online business. So what are the best and powerful SEO tips and tricks for BlogSpot?
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    8 Answers found.
  • Here are some of the tips for blogger blog.

    1. Keyword in Images :- When you upload the image inside the blogger post, make sure it has the keyword for what it is showing. This way you are going to get traffic from Bing images and Google images and other search engines.

    2. Clean Theme Spam :- If you have downloaded Blogger themes from external sources then it contains lot of link spam inside. Please clean up all that spam. And make sure your theme is clean from the link baits. If you can't find a free theme without such spam, then buy the premium theme.

    3. Google webmaster tools :- Point your sitemap of blogger to the webmaster tools. Make sure you also add the META data for grabbing other data from your blog. This tool is very handy in telling you what things need change and what things work in your blog.

    4. Don't use flash and other distraction media :- Such content only hurts your blog. It doesn't add any value at all to your blog. You have to remove the elements that don't help your SEO.

    5. Highlight keywords :- You can highlight some keywords but don't go overboard with it. Make sure you highlight important keyword just once. And you make sure that you use both long tail and short tail keywords inside the content.

    6. Use search friendly themes :- There are many fancy and ugly themes out there. Make sure you choose clean and search friendly. Don't use themes that are not optimized for the search results.

    7. Remove dates from comments :- If you want to keep the article or post evergreen then you have to remove time-stamps from comments. Make sure there is no mention of dates and year in the comments. This applies to the niche and the blogs which are intended for the traffic regardless of the time of the year.

    8. Reduce spam -: You can disallow pingbacks, comments and also delete spam. This should help your website more. The more spam on your post, the less attention search engine pay to your blog. So get rid of stuff that is hurting your blog.

    9. Keyword based anchors - Make sure you don't give links out for the words such as "here" and "etc". You should instead use the keyword in proportion. Make sure you don't go overboard with it.

    10. Sidebar - Make sure you utilize the blogger sidebar properly. Add custom search box, recent post widget and category widget. You can also add other post related widgets for visitors to get in depth content access.

    These are some of the tips I can give you based on my usage of blogger. There are many other tips that you can get if you follow official google SEO blog. They regularly show you content that focuses on SEO related to blogger and blogs running on WordPress.

  • Search engine optimization for blogspot blog are quite important. There are a few tips to achieve it. Though I am newer to blogging, here is what I have learnt.

    1. Niche of your blog
    Do not start a blog on multiple topic. Choose a topic that you have knowledge in. If you start a blog just because it is popular, you will not be able to produce quality content. Working on single niche will make you an expert in the subject.

    2. Content marketing
    Check what your target audience is looking out for. Best way to do this is by keyword research tools. You can use Google Keyword planner. Check out forums and sites like Quora or Yahoo answers.

    3. Fonts and design
    Change the font, design and style of your blog depending on the site niche. Fonts actually pay a role depending on the age group of your target audience.

    4. Social media organisation
    Social media plays a major role in promoting your blogs. Google uses Google Plus as one of the metrics to rank your site.

    5. Search engine submission
    Search engines need to know your blog exists. Of course, the crawlers take care of that fact, but if you submit your site to the search engines. Add your blog to Google webmaster tools, Bing webmaster tools etc.

    6. Speed of your site
    Your blog needs to have a good speed. Otherwise your audience will turn away of they are forced to look at loading screen repeatedly. To do that, follow these tips -
    1. Compress your images before you upload them.

    2. Remove flash videos from your blog.

    3. Disable widgets in mobile view

    7. Title optimization
    Title of your blog post is what attracts your readers to your post. Pay attention to use proper keywords in your title. But avoid Stuffing too many of them.

    8. Use permalinks
    Change your automatic permalinks to suit your blog title. That way, your audience will get to know your post. You can edit your permalinks from the settings menu.

    9. Image optimization
    Use proper keyword and title to your images. You have to do it manually in blogspot unlike in WordPress where it is done automatically. Such meta data will be useful in making your blog spot conspicuous to image search engines.

    Comments can make or break your blog. Always consider moderating your blog comments. Delete spam immediately. Allow anyone to comment on your post as it will make your blog post more popular. However, do not forget adhering to strict moderation. While responding to comments, make liberal use of keywords, but take care not to look like spamming.

    11. Interlinks
    Do not forget to interlink your posts from within your blog. This will result in making your blog a pleasure to browse. Make use of widgets like custom search. Do not forget using appropriate keywords in the anchor texts. Pay attention not to land on a error page while interlinking.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • SEO for the blogger is a little difficult when compared to Word Press and this is the reason for many of them shifting towards WordPress and coming back to your question, here is the list of factors that will help you run your blogger blog SEO friendly and run up the SERPs.

    1. SEO Friendly images

    SEO for images is different from that of content. Add image alt attribution and tags for every image and make sure you compress with tools before uploading it.

    2. Tags and Metas

    Keep a special eye on tags such as H1, H2 and H3 tags and also meta description of each and every post. These are important in point of SEO and will decide your rankings.

    3. Interlinking

    Interlink your post with other by using proper anchor text and by this it will get a boost in SERPs and interlinking will reduce bounce rate, which is a critical factor in SEO.

    4. Theme and customization

    Blog load speed is also a factor in rankings. Use the premium template for a blogger from the web. There are themes which are quite less in number for blogger and they are available at a cost of $9 and also customize the theme for good Speed and also keep an eye on mobile responsiveness.

    5. Social networking and links

    Social signals are also a ranking factor, so after completing post do share it with social networking sites and also build backlinks with a relative ratio of anchor texts.

  • The online search scenario indeed has changed a lot since Google have rolled out frequent updates to nail out the web spam and bring in quality search results to the users. The scenario for SEO has changed too and the importance of SEO has indeed increased many folds. The Onsite SEO has always been a topic of debate amongst the different SEO professionals who have different experiences and results. So, here is a checklist of the On-site SEO factors which you can consider for optimizing your blogspot blog.

    Keywords Selection
    Keywords play an important role in any SEO activity. So make sure that you select only those relevant and important keywords which your website is competing for in the search engine. Having extra or bogus keywords would do more harm than good.

    Optimization in content
    In order to write a good SEO content, one must keep the density of keyword throughout the article. The density which must be kept on a page must be 2.7 percent. Many experts that you should start and end your sentence with a keyword but this technique might not work for someone and might work for someone.

    301 Redirect
    The 301 Redirect is used to redirect any query "" to "". Most of SEO plugins and CMS have this redirect by default but this is one of the factors that you might consider. This redirect can provide both kind of access to your website which is better than having only either of them.

    Optimized Page Title
    The Page Title is another thing one should consider. The title of the page is an important part of any SEO campaign. The titles appear in the search engine results and the title must contain the keywords for your webpage.

    Optimized Headings
    The headings on your page must be optimized. Using proper tags for the title and sub title of the page can be beneficial. The big bold heading must contain the keywords so that the search engine spiders and crawlers can easily optimize and index them easily into the search engines.

    Meta Tags
    The Meta Tags are another description that is used by a number of search engines these days. The website owner puts the important information about the website such as Keywords, Information, title and much more in the Meta tags so that the search engines can have some idea about the website before even indexing it.

    Optimized URL and Link Structure
    The link structure is another important part of any SEO campaign. Generally a URL comprises of the query strings which are difficult to parse and understand by the search engines. The links must be made readable as far as possible. You must use a URL Rewrite Engine which would convert your query strings in simple and readable format.
    The above URL would be converted to

    XML Sitemaps
    XML Sitemaps are the by default standard that is used by all the major search engines today. There are a number of plugins and other external services which would help you in generating the sitemaps easily. When you generate a Sitemap, don't forget to ping Google, Yahoo and other search engines.

    Krishna Verma

  • The onsite SEO is an important component of any SEO campaign. People spend a lot of time and effort on making backlinks with some third party sites but often leave out the important aspect of SEO which is required on the webpage itself. The onsite SEO aims to optimize the webpages and other links of the websites so that they can be indexed effectively by the spiders and crawlers which are sent out by the search engines. So here are some tips which you must consider while doing the Onsite SEO for your blogspot blog.

    1) Keyword Placement
    There are a number of guidelines which are laid down regarding the keywords which play an important role in determining the success of any site. The keywords that your site is competing for must not be too vague or broad. Many experts suggest that you should only have two to three keywords for a single page but that is not possible in today's time. Also take some time out to do some effective research on keywords using the online analysis tools like Google Analytics.

    2) Meta Tags
    The Meta tags play an important role in the SEO for a website. These tags are used to have to store a number of important information about the site such as title, keywords, description, server and much more. These Meta tags are sent across the search engines first before the engine sends in their spiders and web bots. So you should avoid the keyword stuffing in the Meta tags. These tags have lost their importance and significance in Google mainly due to the Black Hat SEO techniques which are used by people to artificially inflate their rankings. Many other alternate search engines do keep consider before indexing.

    3) Image Alt Tags
    As we say the picture speak more than a thousand words. The pictures cannot be indexed as it is in the search engines so the way to index them is to introduce the Alt tags for the images. The Alt tag must have some important keyword which would describe the image better. This is also helpful in those case where you website is rendered for the visually impaired persons where these Alt tags are used instead of image.

    4) Robots.txt
    The robots.txt file is a special file which has all the permission for the search engine bots on what to index and what to leave out. This special text file must allow only the public parts of your website and leave out the private parts of your website.

    5) Compression and Design
    In this modern era, the user attention is generally short-lived and kinky. So your website must not take a large amount of time to get loaded else the user would leave you and move on. So in order to avoid such an embarrassment, some website use gzip compression of the images and the CSS files so that the website has lesser number of external HTTP calls. CSS must be formatted as far as possible and the use of JavaScript and other Client side scripting languages must be kept to the minimum.

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