Blogging is best source of income from internet if done properly. As you have not mentioned which CMS you are choosing for blogging. I will consider both Wordpress and Blogger.
Blogger is a product by Google and hosted by Google itself. It gives you free blogspot sub domain with unlimited bandwidth, whereas in terms of disk space, you will use of your Google Account.
Steps to create a Blogger Blog
1. Go to
2. Sign in with your Google Account and create a Blogger profile.
3. Search for 'New Blog' button at the top left corner of blogger homepage.
4. Click on it, you will be asked about Title, Domain and Template of your blog. Choose them as per you taste.
5. Your blogger blog is finally up for free of cost. Now you can start adding themes, your social networking plugins and most important publishing posts.
If you don't want to work with blogger's sub-domain then it gives your ability to add 3rd party domain to your blog.
Steps to add a custom domain to Blogger Blog
1. Open you blog dashboard.
2. Click on Setting menu and choose Basic from its sub-menu.
3. You will see your current URL written as domain their. Just below it you will get an option to add custom domain. Click on it.
4. You will be asked about your custom domain and fill it.
5. For verification you will be asked to add name servers to your DNS. If you are capable to do those setting then proceed otherwise I highly recommend you to stop and ask your free technical support to do same for you.
DNS changes will take around 24 hours. So, Please be patient and work with your content till it happens.
Total cost - Rs. 0 (Rs. 600/year if opting for custom domain)
If you are serious about blogging then I would prefer you to go for Wordpress because it gives you real power of working as founder of that blog or website. You will need to invest in hosting and domain if you want to get a fully functional wordpress blog.
Steps to create a wordpress blog
1. Buy hosting and domain (better if both are bought from same vendor)
2. Go to your cPanel through credentials and IP address provided to you.
3. Login into your cPanel and scroll to the bottom. You will find script installer or Softaculous (Best program to install any CMS, it comes with most of the web hostings).
4. Open any one of above and install wordpress through them.
5. You will be asked some question such as Title of your blog, where to install, etc. Fill them according to you. If you are having issue then try to get expert's help of ping me I will definitely help you.
6. Finally after whole process you will be provided a login link embedded in your blog's URL.
7. Navigate to login page and fill your credentials. After doing all these you will be welcomed to dashboard of your website.
8. After that your journey of blogging will start. Add themes, plugins, content, etc. to enhance experience of your readers.
Please do not go for any free hosting because nothing is free, your hard work will be wasted if you rely on them.
Total Cost :- Rs. 2700 (for Bigrock Single Domain Yearly hosting) + Rs. 600/yr (for .com domain, you can get other domain extensions in low price)
Please try to update your blog everyday with content your readers love. This will increase your traffic and subscribers.
Joy Joon
I am currently pursuing High School and planning to pursue career in Computer. Currently, I work on one of my blog - JTech Articles.