There are several reasons for Chrome to crash on you. Let me point out a few of them and fixes that may help you solve the issue.
1. Some third party software is known to cause Chrome to crash or face freezing. Type in chrome://conflicts in the address bar and check out the malware or any software that conflict with your Chrome installation. Consider updating, reinstalling or uninstalling the concerned software. If it is a malware that causes the issue, you may need to use any good Malware removal tool. Malwarebytes is one one such good option.
2. Chrome is always known to be a biggest memory hogger - be on Laptop, PC or smartphone. It could be the lack of memory that could be causing browser crashes. Clear all browsing data. You can select a particular time frame or delete all browsing data. Please note that your saved passwords and other details may be lost. If it does not solve the problem, scroll down in settings and reset your Chrome settings to default.
3.Close all the tabs except the that throws error and reload the Web page. It may solve the issue.
4. Chrome can crash when it encounters a plug in that is not widely used. In fact, Chrome may be considering a particular plug in to be a security risk and as such may crash while attempting to block it.
5. Some firewall and/or anti virus settings may be preventing Chrome from opening a web page and can cause it to crash. Turn off the anti virus and Check to know whether your Chrome browser works fine. If the issue is because of anti virus, you will need to create exemptions in the concerned anti virus.
6.Some malicious applications might have been causing intentional conflicts to cause Chrome to crash. It would be a better idea to install Chrome Cleanup Tool from Google. Be sure to download it from Google's own servers.
7. Outdated or conflicting registry entries may cause crashing. Download a reliable registry cleaner and cleanup the registry entries that may be the cause of issues. CCleaner is one such good application.
8. Clear all your cache, cookies and extensions. Add extensions one by one and check the performance over a couple of days. That would help you identify the rogue extension.
9. If all fails, uninstall Chrome. Go for a complete uninstallation using applications like Revo Uninstaller. Reboot your PC, and now download and install Chrome. Normal uninstalation procedure from Control Panel may leave some fragments of the browser, which may cause the resumption of the same issue.
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