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  • Why recent smartphones are becoming thinner in size?

    Wondering why recent smartphones are shrinking in size? Have a look at some expert views below.

    We have noticed that in last 10 years, the size of every electronic item shrinks. This may even be applicable to smart-phone. Why are recent smart-phones becoming thinner in size? What is the reason? What are the changes made to the circuit or what are the new technological moves that made this electronic device so small in size and yet higher in speed?
  • Answers

    7 Answers found.
  • The reason is, in the present trend no one wants to carry a mobile which is heavier and you can see that in the release of iPhone 6 and 6S which are thinner than the previous versions. It's like thinner phones fit easily in the pocket without any fuss and will provide you with lighter weight.

    You can see this also in computers, wherein 1980's the computer size is bigger and almost size of a big room and in with 2000's you can see the old models where it is bulkier in size and with everyone in like with short and sweet the size also gets thinner.

    There's a rule in making chips with transistor's on it and that rule states that for every 18 months the number of transistors on a single chip should increase with or without the involvement of size. So this has made companies go for lesser size and more power pack performance.

    This has been a revolution in mobile technology and the reason for this is SOC ( System On Chip ) processor. You can see by Qualcomm company which is providing Snapdragon Processor and their new release Snapdragon 820 is really trending more to lesser size and more speed.

  • It is all about a technology innovation and making every portable items in a small size for the convenient of the end users. Once mobile SIM card was about an inch and now Micro SIM to Nano SIM. The size varies for most of the portable items. Who knows, the time may come without SIM too which just attached with telecom service provider by some techno innovation of digital frame and code etc.

    Nowadays, we can see a Smartphone and its Power bank from larger and heavy sizes changed to a slim size. Some of the latest power bank and smartphone came just as same as credit card type with high potential and power. Once it was hard to keep the smartphone just because of heavy. Now, we can carry slim smartphone and power bank together in our pack since both of them are less weight and easy to carry with advanced configuration.

    Technology and trends - always changes and need to change too.


  • Carrying a weight is emotional and physical burden. Most of the tablets and smartphones often have more weight and size. Though size can be compensated knowing the viewing requirements of people. However weight has to be reduced as much as possible to get the physical burden off.

    For example, recently few tests were made on the paper displays for the smartphone's next alternative. Though paper displays are extremely delicate but they have the capacity to replace the smartphone.

    Before paper displays and the holograms hit the normal consumer market, there is a lot of business to be done off the regular smartphone. So many smartphone makers are reducing the size of the phone and staying into the competition.

    So the size reduction is more of a psychological and physical burden from the smartphone users. So any device or the technology improvements come they are going to reduce the pain of the existing systems. Be it with size, weight and the handling.

  • It has more to do to do with the aesthetics than any other point of interest. People nowadays want their phones to be good looking and pleasing.
    I seriously feel that most of the manufacturers are making their phones unnecessarily thinner at the cost of usability. One such drawback of having a thinner phone is the low battery back up. I would definitely treat it as a marketing gimmick than any performance improvement.

    Now coming to how it has been possible, I would guess it has something to do the transistors. Transistors are the basic blocks that run our smartphones, or any gadget for that matter. If you have more transistors on a chip, it can process more information. So, keeping in tune with this simple principle, manufacturers are shrinking the size of a transistor so that more of them can be placed on a chip.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • A few years back when touchscreen was not in the scene, launching mobiles with the shortest and smallest size was the competition. Now since touchscreen is introduced and "showing off" has increased beyond proportion, there has to be something to be competitive about. The only thing left now is to be thinner, otherwise every other feature is by and large common in all phones.

  • If we take two smartphones with equal specifications except the thickness, the slimmer one will be liked by most of the people even if slimmer device has slightly low features.
    This is because people love slimmer smartphones especially today's youth because of it's look and feel.

  • A simple answer to you question will be: Would you like holding a brick in your?

    It is a bitter truth but yes before smartphone were hell heavier than today's smartphone. Consider Nokia 5233, it was best smartphone of its time, whereas it weighs 112 grams with just 450 mHz processor and 2 MP camera. Here comes the best part - It can occupy about 3 Apple iPhone 6S.

    Nowadays processor are shrinked to size of a microSD card and they don't need fan now to control their heat. Apart from that there was a great demand by people all over the world for slim smartphones. Looking at this issue almost every mobile manufacturer started launching slim smartphones.

    As per recent leaks, Apple is thinking to remove audio jack and implement earphone in charging port itself. This will help them to reduce their smartphone size by another 1.5mm.

    Joy Joon

    I am currently pursuing High School and planning to pursue career in Computer. Currently, I work on one of my blog - JTech Articles.

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