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  • How to join Homegroup Windows 10

    Having problems in joining Homegroup Windows 10? Get step by step guidance from experts on how to resolve the problem.

    I just installed Windows 10. I was member of our Homegroup and had access to the other computers on Homegroup and Network. Now I cannot access it. Windows 10 says no homegroup exists, but it does. It also will not allow me to create a homegroup. Please help me out with this problem.
  • Answers

    2 Answers found.
  • Though I do not have a home group on Windows 10, there exists a method for the same -

    1. Click on Start and type in Homegroup in the search field.

    2. In the displayed search results, click on Homegroup. It should show you the results for the existing home groups.

    3. Click on Join Now and you will be guided through the steps via a wizard.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • If you had access to the computers in Home group but not anymore that means your network settings have some issues. Most of the time when Windows 10 doesn't remember the group policies and settings. The reason could be anything and often hard to find out if it is from the software issues.

    I'd say first find out if there is any Hardware issues. Issue could be interface cable or even Wifi issue. So if you find that out then you can see how the computers in group are missing.

    If after basic troubleshooting you're still finding the error then you have to call service engineer.

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