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  • Is it OK to have multiple email IDs?

    Worried about having multiple email IDs? Dispel your doubts and worries from this Ask Expert page.

    I created my first single mail ID 8 years ago. Due to some technical problems, I created two accounts more when I was offline for a year. Can you please tell me whether to keep or remove the other accounts. Is it a crime to maintain multiple accounts in the internet arena?

    Please let me know too some of the advantages of a single account?

    If there are rules please provide them with points.
  • Answers

    9 Answers found.
  • It is Ok to have multiple Email ID as long as don't do anything which can hurt someone.

  • You can have as many email IDs as you wish. There isn't any sort of restrictions on the number of mail accounts that single individual can create.
    Moreover, having multiple accounts has its own benefits rather than using a single one. As opposed to your query on the advantages of a single account, it would be more practical to list out the benefits of multiple accounts.
    1. Creating separate accounts for different projects you have been working on lets you get all the information at one place.

    2. In today's world where privacy is at stake, using a separate mail account for shopping and newsletters would be a good idea.

    3. You can use a separate account for the newsletter you regularly subscribe to. It will help you keep your main account uncluttered.

    Now that email accounts are easy to set up and carry no restrictions on the number of accounts you can create, it would be advisable to use have at least two or three email IDs.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • As said earlier there are no restrictions on how many email IDs you can have.

    Having single ID only adds more burden and productivity into your routine. As the email IDs often get more bombarded with the spam, having single ID only increases time it takes to delete mails.

    Most of the email service companies let the advertising mail sneak into their system. Very few of them stop the spam. So they make use of their free service to learn from the user behavior on how they handle ads and spam. This helps them to remove the spam from paid subscribers.

    It is beneficial to have multiple IDs to sort the type of mail that you get. For example you can have one ID for personal or business use given to limited number of people. And casual email ID which you can submit to random people who you can't trust or subscribe to newsletter with it.

    Having multiple IDs with pseudo name also help keep the privacy. And you are not tracked with right set of profile by advertisers.

  • No, there is no issue in keeping more than one email account. I think many have more than one email account and no problem at all as long as it is using without any issue to individual or firm. Some of them have given complete detail above on keeping more than one email account and its benefit.


  • When you try to create an email account in any of the providing sites, they ask for an alternative email id. That process itself proves that it is legal and rather recommendable. And the reasons are:

    !) It gives you an extra storage option

    2) If one account suddenly becomes inaccessible because of login issues, you can ask for a new password with the help of the second email-id.

    3) To save important documents, you can send yourself a copy of it, so that it remains in both or in multiple accounts.

    4)Sometimes sites can go down for some maintenance work, at that time you can send important emails through your alternate ids created with other service providers.

  • You can have as many as you can mail id's. There are advantages and disadvantages of having multiple mail id's.
    Advantages are
    1. you can have separate mail id for separate purpose.
    2. you will have more space to store your data on different mail ids.
    disadvantages are:
    1. you have to remember different mail id's and their passwords.
    2. You may be confused about which data you have saved on which id,
    also using different mail ids to communicate creates confusion.

  • I used two mail id's

    one for personal and two for professional and i deactivated the past one

    but i recently shifted everything to one single id thanks for the answers.

  • There is no restrictions to make multiple email but is opposed the cyber law which is not good to make multiple email ids of same name in the virtual world

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