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  • Does Micromax Canvas Nitro A311 support OTG ?

    Want to know whether Micromax Canvas Nitro A311 supports USB OTG? Find from our experts in this thread.

    I would like to know if Micromax Canvas Nitro A311 supports OTG cable or not. Please do assist me by giving the correct answer.
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • There is no clear information available on the support for USB OTG functionality on the Micromax Canvas Nitro A 311. Some sites indicate that the feature is supported on the phone. However, Micromax has not documented any clear information on this topic.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • No, Micromax Canvas Nito A311 doesn't support OTG. You can check this on their Official website and don't go with other opinions.

    If you really need OTG support, you can try with some random technical stuff shown in some Youtube videos and it will work.

  • As previously said Micromax Canvas Nitro A311 does not support OTG cable. You can check it by visiting their official site.

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