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  • How to know who visited my Instagram profile

    Want to know who viewed your instagram profile? Keen on knowing your visitors on your instagram profile? Get your answers from our experts.

    I have couple of question related to knowing all about the favorite visitors who had/have visited my my Instagram profile and its related app if any. How to know who visited my Instagram profile? Is there any procedure in Instagram or other software to check who had visited my IG profile? Kindly guide in a layman language for better understanding and follow up.
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • Well, none of the social media services except LinkedIn let you know or explore details of the visitors to your profile. Only such pointer could be who followed you or liked your posts.

    But there are a couple of third party apps that do it. Here are a couple of them -

    1. InstaMutual - This app is available for iOS. I am given to understand it lets you view your mutual friends with other instagram users. It also lets you know if someone visited you on InstaMutual.

    2. InstaView - This is available for both iOS and Android. It fetches data from Instagram and other sources as well to provide you accurate results.

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  • There are two apps that are getting good ratings these days for tracking views and other stats.

    1. Pulseapp : It tracks Instagram and some of the other social media accounts. It also groups the data such as location and time zone. So if you are social media agency then this data can be useful for targeting the ads.

    2. Instaview: This is another app that lets you view the stats of who is viewing your profile. It has few features like engagement metrics and few other things. However for casual use such app can be overwhelming in terms of stats. e.g. Which hashtag leading to profile view etc.

    There are few more other apps that helps you view who landed on your profile. However depending on your requirement you won't be needing too much in depth apps.

  • @Mahesh, Instaview is Ok but Pulseapp is not related to this question.


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