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  • How to find out if somebody visited your Facebook profile?

    Want to know how to check if someone else visited your Facebook profile? Wondering how to get to know when anyone visits your Facebook profile? Keep checking this thread to know.

    At LinkedIn, when somebody visits my profile page, I get an email alert that XYZ, GHJ, etc checked out my profile. Is there any way to know in a similar manner if somebody visits my Facebook page? Conversely, if I visit somebody else's FB profile or check out his/her photos, will he/she know about my visit?
  • Answers

    6 Answers found.
  • There are a few third party services which let you know who visited your Facebook profile. But, frankly speaking - most of such apps or web tools are designed to get your personal information.
    Facebook on its own does not allow anyone to check on persons who visit your profile. The feature is highly in demand, but being against the Facebook policies, has given birth to so many scam apps and services claiming to be able to do that.

    One of the services that does it effectively is available as a Chrome extension. You can get it from
    I once used it, but later disabled and removed the extension. My reasoning was not to go against the Facebook policy. You may check it if you want.
    Follow these steps if you are interested.

    1. Download the extension from the link above, install and enable it.
    2. Now login to your Facebook account.
    3. You will observe a new tab labelled Visitors just beside the Home tab.
    4. Click on it and you will get the list of members who visited your profile.

    Here is a catch though, the visiting member needs to have the extension installed. So, it is not something like your Linked In alert.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • As said in earlier answer there are third party apps and the websites that allow you to do that.

    Basically such webapps or the websites install a tracking pixels on your account. And when someone visits the page they track the URL of that page. And that way they gain information about who is visiting your profile. Most of the time such information is often less accurate due to cross display of profiles.

    I must tell you that you should use such apps with caution. As such apps have capacity to hijack accounts as we let them access to our account for tracking.

  • As said above, don't believe in such apps they just steal your info and sell it to others. Just go with FaceBook policies and avoid these.

    My experience with these are very bad and at one point, I had to reboot by system because of the virus which came with the third part sites.

  • Officialy, it is not alllowed to see names of the people, who visited your profile on facebook. However, there are few apps and plugins that claim to do the said task. I personally never used any of such apps/plugins, so I don't know if it is possible. But in my opinion, you should not use any such apps, mostly they are fake and used to stealing information.

  • It is not possible to check who visited your Facebook profile. As told before there are many apps over Facebook which pretends to view real results but they all are fake. Whenever someone visits your profile they just view the HTML, CSS and JavaScript part of it. Everything else is recorded on the server. So, basically when you open your Facebook profile you just see the front end of your profile whereas back end is impossible to access without breaching or logging into the server which is not possible as well. There are almost thousands of pentesters who are working to break in into Facebook to encounter bugs but its been years they are just trying. So, basically any chrome plugin or app can't tell who visited your profile they just steal your information or poison your browser cookies to get your private credentials.

    I am currently pursuing High School and planning to pursue career in Computer. Currently, I work on one of my blog - JTech Articles.

  • Would you like to know who have visited your Facebook profile? If so, follow the steps given herein below;

    Login FB and click on your Photo or Profile
    Right click on your profile page
    You will find "View page source" option at small window, select it
    Another page will open with so many codes
    Now, search or Press Ctrl + F to search
    Type as "InitialChatFriendsList" and you will find the result of many numbers of FB members and their code.

    Now go to another tab, type like (the 1111111 is what you have to paste the number code found in view page source page of InitialChatFriendsList). You have to check each member's number as such like and so on to know who had visited your FB profile page. There could be more than 100 members who have visited your profile, so, you have to check them all one by one manually.

    Note: You have to ignore the character from "-0", "-2" and etc. from that code list.

    Hope it helps you.


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