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  • Does Honor 4x support OTG?

    Unsure if the Honor 4x supports OTG? Dispel your doubts with expert answers.

    I would like to know if Honor 4x supports OTG or not. It is a very good and affordable smartphone with solid features. So I just wanted to check. Please tell me if Honor 4x supports OTG.
  • Answers

    5 Answers found.
  • From feedback of owners of the Huawei Honor 4X, it seems this device does not support USB OTG. You can even check out videos on YouTube which prove this! There is one which shows that the Huawei Honor 4X does not read a 16GB as well as 64GB pen drive when attached to the device's port. So basically it is a waste of time trying out other external devices to see if the Huawei Honor 4X smartphone reads it.


  • Honor 4X has no support for USB OTG functionality. Though a few tech websites claim to provide tools for activating the feature, you cannot have the feature enabled as it is not supported by the hardware.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • No, Huawei Honor 4X doesn't have USB OTG support to connect external USB devices.

  • It doesn't Support OTG, you may try with OTG apps but what I believe is it is just waste of time.

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